Project Manager
Plan, organize, and lead projects.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Project Manager?
- How to become a Project Manager
- Latest Project Manager jobs
- Top skills and experience for Project Managers
- Project Manager role reviews
What's it like to be a Project Manager?
Project Managers lead teams to deliver projects on time and within budget. They plan, budget, schedule, and mobilize resources and people. They manage project implementation according to contract agreements and in line with company objectives. Project Managers are needed in almost every industry – especially in construction and information technology.Tasks and duties
- Leading risk assessment studies.
- Drafting the schedule and budget requirements.
- Working with stakeholders.
- Handling contracts and claims.
- Planning and coordinating the mobilization of resources such as manpower, materials, equipment, tools, and money.
- Procuring project requirements and permits.
- Planning project staffing and communication.
- Tracking and monitoring subcontractor work.
- Ensuring quality and safety throughout all the project stages.
- Identifying, monitoring, and mitigating risks.
- Creating project documentation.
- Reporting progress at every stage of the project.
- Gathering feedback and evaluating the project.
How to become a Project Manager
To become a Project Manager, you usually need a combination of qualifications and experience. Successful Project Managers are qualified practitioners with substantial experience. Additional training in project management is also helpful.
- 1.Complete a bachelor degree in the field you want to specialize in. For example, engineering or information technology.
- 2.Gain substantial experience in the industry. Leading a project requires that you are skilled in the operations of the business.
- 3.Join a project management team. Becoming a Project Manager means that you will take a leadership role in implementing projects. Five to ten years of experience in project management teams as well as training in project management is expected for you to step up to manage a team.
- 4.Keep upskilling. Take training courses on new technologies for project management to keep your knowledge and skills up to date.
- 5.With experience as a Project Manager and success in bringing projects to completion, you can be promoted to Project Head.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Project Managers.Latest Project Manager jobs on Jobstreet
Be one of the first to discover these recently listed jobs, or browse all Project Manager jobs on Jobstreet right now.Did you find this helpful?
Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Project Manager employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Project Planning
Project Management Software
Pmp Certificate
Project Management
Project Scope
Project Risk
Project Documentation
Project Delivery
Microsoft Project
Change Management
Project Execution
Communication Skills
Construction Projects
Stakeholder Management
Resource Allocation
Construction Management
Scrum Methodology
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Project Manager reviews
4.0Jun 2023
It is a knowledge based work, deliver what you promise
Reviewer's QualificationMaster of Business Administration
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationInformation & Communication Technology
The good thingsAlways something new, no one surviving what I do. I own my time
The challengesI like pretty miserable Ch everything about it
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5.0Jun 2023
Being a project manager is both hard and rewarding.
Reviewer's QualificationDiploma of Engineering
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
The good thingsYou got control over your projects is one of the most interesting part of this role and you could stablish contacts upon handling projects.
The challengesDoing several task is hard specially if the company your working with is saving on payroll and you got to do multi tasking just to get the job done . And being the manager of a project , governance of...
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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