Graphic Designer
Visually communicate messages and ideas using art and technology.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Graphic Designer?
- How to become a Graphic Designer
- Latest Graphic Designer jobs
- Top skills and experience for Graphic Designers
- Graphic Designer role reviews
What's it like to be a Graphic Designer?
Knowledgeable in design elements such as shape, color, texture and form, Graphic Designers create visuals by hand and using software. They are involved in the production of a variety of material including advertisements, product packaging, mobile applications, magazines, company logos and other items in digital or print form. They may work in-house for businesses such as publishing companies and marketing firms, as outsourced talent working in design and advertising agencies, or as freelancers.Tasks and duties
- Meeting with clients or other members of the creative department to identify goals.
- Selecting images, colors, fonts and other visual elements that best communicate key messages.
- Illustrating via free hand or computer programs.
- Presenting output to the Art Director or client.
- Gathering feedback and making revisions if necessary.
- Reviewing the designs before publication or printing.
How to become a Graphic Designer
Graphic Designers usually have a strong technical background. However, they are often also skilled in basic artistic forms such as drawing and painting.
- 1.Finish a degree in fine arts, multimedia arts, industrial design or another related field. This will give you a sound foundation for a career as a Graphic Designer. You can also finish a vocational course in graphic design offered by many schools and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
- 2.Gain experience by applying for entry-level roles such as Junior Graphic Designer and Junior Web Designer.
- 3.Collate your best work and build a portfolio. Aside from your resume, a portfolio effectively shows your talent and skills to potential employers.
- 4.Keep up with design trends through online courses and conferences. Make sure you have sufficient software knowledge to create designs. Learn other skills such as typeface design, website development and photography that can give you an edge over other jobseekers.
- 5.With experience, you can grow your career. Eventually, you can be Project Manager, Art Director, or Creative Director. As a freelancer, you can choose to set up your own design agency.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Graphic Designers.Latest Graphic Designer jobs on Jobstreet
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Graphic Designer employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Graphic Design
Print Production
Audio Production
Art Direction
Motion Graphics
Adobe Captivate
Digital Design
Brand Identity
Needs Analysis
UX Design
Portfolio Management
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
Learning and Development
Self Motivation
Strategic Thinking
Willingness to Learn
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Graphic Designer reviews
3.0Jun 2023
Hit or Miss
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeI'm self-employed
SpecialisationSelf Employment
The good thingsThe good thing about designing is I can keep on improving myself so I could satisfy even more clients with better artworks
The challengesSometimes there are some miscommunication with clients that I had to completely change the artwork.
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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