Effective communication skills: How to improve and develop them

Effective communication skills: How to improve and develop them
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 23 February, 2024

It is important to communicate effectively in today's fast-paced world. In both personal and work relationships, your success relies on your communication skills. Good interpersonal skills are critical in the workplace. 

Building and mastering effective communication skills contributes to a positive and productive work environment. Additionally, it allows you to build strong teams and progress towards your career goals. 

This workplace communication strategy guide aims to help you improve your communication skills. We'll explain why it's essential to communicate well at work and how it can affect your career. We'll also give practical tips on how to improve this critical skill in different situations. 

Here's what we'll cover: 

What are communication skills? 

Communication skills involve sharing and receiving information clearly and effectively. It is important to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings in a way others can comprehend. Communication takes various forms, including talking, writing, body language, and the use of pictures or videos. 

To communicate effectively, it is crucial to listen carefully to what others are saying. Paying attention to both their spoken words and body language demonstrates your concern for their message. 

Good communication enables you to work well with colleagues, form friendships, and succeed in your job. Employees who can express thoughts and emotions are valued. They are more efficient at work. By listening well you can navigate challenging conversations or negotiations with clients and coworkers, provide accurate feedback, and resolve conflicts. 

How to improve communication skills 

To become an effective communicator, practice and become aware of your approach. 

Here are some steps to develop the skill

  • Know your audience: Adjust how you talk and act based on who you speak with. Speak more formally to those in charge and more casually to friends. 
  • Listen closely: Pay attention to what the speaker is saying and avoid distractions. Repeat or explain what they have said to show that you understand and care about what they're saying. 
  • Speak clearly: Use clear and simple language to express your thoughts. Avoid using technical words others may not understand. Be mindful of your tone and volume to match the message you want to convey. 
  • Read body language: Pay attention to the speaker's facial expressions, movements, and posture. These nonverbal cues will give you more information often missed when people speak. 
  • Ask for feedback: Create a safe environment for others to share their thoughts and give feedback. Regularly ask for feedback on your communication skills and make necessary improvements. This helps you understand how others perceive your messages and allows continuous growth. 

Strategies to improve your communication skills 

Improving your communication skills is an ongoing process. To get better at it, you can try these tips: 

  • Talk and write more: Chat with people, share your thoughts and ideas, and write them down. Doing this in different situations can help you improve. 
  • Go online: Find courses or training programs that teach you how to communicate better. They can give you tips and techniques to improve. Coursera, Udemy and FutureLearn amongst others offer various courses for improving communication skills. 
  • Listen to podcasts: Listen to audio resources that discuss ways to become an effective communicator. These resources can provide ideas, examples, and expert advice to help you improve. 
  • Get coaching: Consider working with a coach who can give you personalized advice and feedback. They can help you learn about effective communication strategies. 
  • Read books and articles: Look for books, articles, and blogs about powerful and persuasive communication. They can help you learn many new things. From active listening and assertiveness to conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence communication. 
  • Join group discussions or debates: Participating in these activities can help you practice expressing yourself better and responding to others. This can enhance your ability to present your thoughts and engage in productive conversations. 
  • Learn from others: Observe people who communicate well and see what they do. Model their behavior and use it your way. 
  • Use technology: Some apps can help you with your communication skills. With these tools, you can practice pronunciation, tone, and overall communication improvement. 

Dos and don'ts of effective communication 


Here are some strategies to incorporate into the way you communicate: 

  • Use different ways to communicate: Speak in different tones and use writing styles based on the situation and the person. Use positive body language and visual aids when needed to convey your message effectively. 
  • Practice different styles: Depending on the situation, you can use different ways of talking to others, such as being very clear, strong, or kind. Practice adapting your style to connect with the recipient and convey your message effectively. 
  • Listen carefully: Listen actively by paying attention, maintaining eye contact, and asking questions. Show interest and respect for the speaker's thoughts and feelings. 
  • Use clear and simple language: Use simple language to convey your ideas. Avoid difficult words or jargon that may hinder understanding. Ensure the listener understands by logically organizing your thoughts before speaking. 
  • Show empathy and open-mindedness: Try to understand others' perspectives by empathizing with their emotions and experiences. Be open to different viewpoints, even if they differ from yours. 


Here are some things to avoid to prevent miscommunication: 

  • Don't interrupt: Stop yourself from interrupting while others are speaking. Let them express their thoughts fully before responding. 
  • Don't jump to conclusions: Don't assume or jump to conclusions before understanding the context or the speaker's intent. Ask for clarification if needed to ensure you understand the discussion. 
  • Don't be defensive: Stay calm and try to understand the speaker's perspective. Respond in a constructive and composed way when receiving feedback or facing conflicts. 
  • Don't multitask while communicating: Avoid multitasking or getting distracted while talking to someone. Give people your full attention to show respect and ensure they understand. 
  • Don't use aggressive or passive-aggressive language: Avoid language that may lead to conflicts. Instead, communicate assertively, expressing your thoughts and feelings while considering others. 

Communication strategies for the workplace 

woman with headset

Effective communication is essential for collaboration and success in the workplace. The lists below provide both verbal and nonverbal communication strategies

Verbal communication strategies 

Here are some verbal communication strategies to consider: 

  • Ask and give feedback: Ask your colleagues and superiors for feedback so you can improve your work and verbal communication. Also, give feedback to others in a kind way to help them learn and grow. 
  • Be aware of how you talk: Be careful about how you talk at work. Use a tone of voice that's polite, professional, and right for the situation. 
  • Respect other people: Listen carefully to others and let them finish what they want to say before you talk. This is important because it shows that you respect them and want to communicate well. 

Nonverbal communication strategies 

Non verbal communication is equally important. Here are some strategies for communicating successfully: 

  • Make eye contact: When you talk to someone, make consistent eye contact. This shows that you are listening and respect them. 
  • Pay attention to the person talking: Give your full attention to the person talking to you. Don't look at your phone or computer because it can make them feel like you don't care about them. 
  • Show that you understand: To show that you're listening and understand what others say, nod your head or say “yes” or “I see.” This lets them know that you respect their thoughts and feelings. 

Example of communication skills on your resume 

It's important to communicate properly at work. Here are some skills to help you with this. You can also list these in your resume and mention them in your other application materials: 

  • Active listening: This means paying attention to what others are saying so that you can understand them better. 
  • Written communication: Writing clear and professional emails, reports, and documents is essential. 
  • Negotiation: This is finding solutions that work for everyone involved. 
  • Presenting: Making engaging and clear presentations to different groups of people is important. Using pictures or other visual communication can help. 

Sample resume skills section  

You can usually find the skills section of a resume after the education and work experience sections. But if you're using a modern template, you may find a list of skills on the side of the document. Here's how you can list your communication skills in your resume: 

Example One 

Here's one way to present your skills: 

Key skills 

Active listening 

Written communication 

Public speaking 


Example Two 

You can also present your skills this way: 

Key skills: Written communication, Public speaking, Negotiation, Active listening 


Good communication is important in both personal and professional settings. This critical skill will help you understand what others have to say, build strong relationships, and work well in teams. You can practice active listening, ask for feedback, and write clearly to improve communication. 

With good communication skills, you can express ideas, resolve conflicts, and build trust with confidence. This also helps improve your leadership abilities and contributes to stronger professional relationships, increased productivity, and better job performance. It's important to keep learning and adapting to changing communication methods and mediums to stay ahead. 


  1. Why is effective communication important? 
    ⁠It's important to talk and listen well to others because it helps you share your thoughts and ideas in ways that people understand. Clear communication helps you create good relationships. This is important when you work with others or talk with friends and family. 
  2. What are the key components of good communication? 
    ⁠Good communication means you talk and listen in a way that people understand. It's not just the words that need to be simple but also how you use them. You should listen carefully when others talk to you. This helps you acknowledge their feelings and what they mean. You should also pay attention to their body language, such as their face or hands, and notice their tone of voice. 
  3. What are some common communication barriers to watch out for? 
    ⁠Sometimes, it's hard to talk and listen to others. For example, you might not understand each other if you don't speak the same language. Other problems include not being clear, getting emotional, and not understanding cultural differences. These problems can make it hard to communicate. 
  4. How can I become a better listener? 
    ⁠To be a better listener, you should give your full attention to the person talking to you. You shouldn't interrupt them or get distracted. You should show interest in their words by asking questions and responding. You should also watch their body language and try to understand their feelings. You can become a better listener by practicing and thinking about what you've learned.

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