How To Improve Communication Skills? Here Are 5 Ways To Do It

How To Improve Communication Skills? Here Are 5 Ways To Do It
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 23 December, 2022

Whether in your personal or professional life, having a way with words will always get you far. It just takes a lot of confidence and hard work to stay in tune and walk the talk. 

So how do you improve your communication skills? There are ways to go about that. But before we discover what they are, we break down what these communication skills entail. 

Also read: Interpersonal Skills: Why Improving Them Can Benefit You At The Workplace

What are communication skills?

Most professionals (and even employers!) usually do not grasp the idea of what good communication skills are about. The most common misconception people have about these skills is that you must adopt a Western English accent. Moreover, it is also not about being able to connect and relate to foreigners. Those are all beside the point. 

Communication skills refer to the abilities that encompass exchanging information between parties. These skills embrace the way you interact with the people around you, whether it be friends or teammates.

According to Philosopher Aristotle, one can successfully communicate through three paths. In this case, these three paths must wholly be crossed to reach that point. Here they are now:

  • Ethos (credibility). In order to gain your audience, you must be able to prove your worth to them. This is not to people please, but it is to get them to trust you. Why would you believe a complete stranger in the first place? To build ethos, you must be able to be knowledgeable about what you are talking about. It does not have to be at an expertise level, but it must be enough for them to believe you.
  • Logos (reason). While it is less than fun for some to have a cerebral conversation, engaging with a person’s reason is to impress your knowledge on them. You do not have to be a know-it-all to prove your expertise on a certain subject. Plus, your credibility score with them could increase tenfold! 
  • Pathos (emotion). What is the way to a person’s heart? It is through the stomach, or rather what you stomach. In order to develop a genuine connection with your audience, you must be able to tug at their heartstrings. It does not have to be a tearjerker, but it must be something relatable to most, if not, the whole of your audience. 

Philosopher Aristotle covered ethos (credibility), logos (reason), and pathos (emotions), but did you know that there are five pillars of communication skills? Here they are now:

Verbal Communication

This type of communication manifests through speaking. The manner of speaking varies, whether it be in person, on the phone, or on virtual meeting applications. Keywords include pitch, cadence, and tone. 

Non-Verbal Communication

Sometimes words need not be said to pass the message on. This type of communication refers to body language, or how we speak through actions and gestures. Focus on eye contact, hand movements, and the way people touch. 

Written Communication

If you have something to say, write it down. Poetry, prose, and formal documentation are just some of the ways written communication manifests. Professionals who wish to translate their words to paper can find their strengths here. Examples of written communication include copy, press releases, speechwriting, and scriptwriting, to name a few. 

Visual Communication

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Words can fall through the intricate details of a photo or a piece of art, the latter of which can be posters, flyers, graphic design, and video. 


Communication is a two-way street. There must be a communicator and a listener. Both roles are highly interchangeable, a recommendation to take to heart in order for a relationship to be successful and equal. In this case, listening is a critical and difficult skill to invest in, especially if you are used to sharing. Without the skill of listening, one cannot succeed. 

Why are communication skills important–and how to improve

There are several ways to go about improving this. But first of all, it is important to know that wanting to improve them can increase your chances of professional success tenfold. So how do we get better at communicating? Let’s take a look at them now.

1. Think before you speak.

You know the saying, “look before you leap?” It flows the same way when communicating. While it is true that spontaneity can lead to the birth of great ideas, it still pays to be prepared. You do not want to have your tongue tied and say the wrong thing to the person you are speaking to, right?

Applying a pause to your parlay can help you in the long run, especially if you have a lot to say. Keeping your thoughts in check and practicing what you wish to say before you deliver it can give you time to organize. So, the next time you wish to talk to a third party, gather what you wish to say before you deliver. It could save you a lot of time, effort, and misunderstanding. 

2. Establish foundations.

Applying the principles of Aristotle, building foundations with your audience or clients can help you create stronger bonds with them in the long run. Having a strong base point can help you assess, observe, and gather information about the people you are talking to. 

Plus, having an abundance of data can help you foster longer-lasting relationships with them. After all, a good relationship is built on trust and common interests. In the workplace, this is one of the most standard ways to get to know your team, and even your boss. Knowing how to establish foundations can get you to where you are professionally and quickly. 

3. Do not succumb to distractions.

Yes, admit it – it is tempting to stare off into space in the midst of a conversation with someone. It is even worse if you disassociate or space out when listening to someone. Part of what makes a relationship work is knowing when to talk and to listen, and giving that person the space to practice their role in the conversation as well. 

When dealing with conversations at work, it is important to be committed to them. Whether you are a conversationalist or a listener, it is best to avoid distractions. Ringing phones, intrusive thoughts, and interrupting people are just some of the examples to note for next time. 

4. Ask for constructive feedback.

When delivering a speech or speaking with someone, it is highly encouraged to ask for feedback from the person on the other end. Whether that person gives it unsolicited or solicited is beside the point. Receiving constructive feedback can help you learn from your mistakes and understand what needs to be improved when building your skills up. 

No one is perfect and it is really okay to take down notes to better yourself for the next situation. People like your boss or trustworthy colleagues in the office can provide that for you in case the need arises. They, after all, interact with you the most anyway. 

5. Stay consistent.

The most important thing is to keep at it. Practice makes perfect and constantly sharpening your skills can lead you to mastering what needs to be mastered. Whether that be practicing whatever pillar of communication, sticking to something can help you get to the finish line of success faster. 

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