Five In-Demand Skills for Your Resume

Five In-Demand Skills for Your Resume
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 April, 2022

Read on to discover the five most in-demand skills, according to Australia’s top recruiters. Find out how you can highlight these traits in your resume and emphasize them in your online interview.

The pandemic has drastically affected the Philippine job market. According to our COVID-19 job report, 60% of all job candidates were affected by the pandemic, with 17% permanently retrenched and 43% temporarily not working.

If you are eyeing an emerging job role or planning a career shift, you should be prepared for stiff competition. One way to step up your game is by writing a resume that highlights one of the most in-demand skills and most sought after by recruiters: your transferable skills. Transferable skills are universal skills that you have acquired through your education and employment. They help you adapt to and excel in any work environment.

1. Being proactive

Though most industries are switching to automation, inherently human skills and traits will always be valuable to employers. Being proactive is one of the most in-demand skills. Instead of merely reacting to situations, you take control of them by planning and preparing for different scenarios. You perform tasks without being asked, propose solutions, and initiate change to improve a process.

According to Qamran Somjee, Practice Leader of Digital, Projects & Technology of Davidson Technology, companies are placing greater value on a proactive approach because businesses have to be more agile. Organizations need employees who can adjust quickly to industry trends and shifts.

How to highlight this skill in your resume and interview:

List your career accomplishments in your resume and elaborate on your process and results. Expound on these accomplishments during your interview. Did you spearhead projects that improved workflow? Identify performance issues and come up with an action plan? By emphasizing your skills this way, your interviewer will understand how you successfully attain your KPIs and contribute positively to a company.

2. Adaptability

Business today is fast-paced and technology-driven. Can you keep up? Employers seek candidates who can adapt to industry shifts and market trends. Adaptability enables employees to quickly adjust to new work environments and ensure their efficiency and productivity–an asset for any organization. Nick Deligiannis, the Managing Director of Hays in Australia & New Zealand, emphasizes that companies are always looking for candidates who are willing–and able–to pivot to a new role. Deligiannis adds that jobseekers need to show their eagerness to upskill and keep abreast of relevant trends and technology.

How to highlight this skill in your resume and interview:

Give concrete examples that demonstrate your adaptability. Cite courses you have taken to expand your skill set, or instances when you learned new technology for a new system or role. “Using examples allows you to prove your skills while clearly demonstrating to the interviewer how you could add value to their team or department,” says Deligiannis.

3. Resilience

Can you quickly bounce back from challenges and failures to achieve successful outcomes? There will always be crises, constraints, and changes in any workplace–even more so now than before. Employers want this one of the most in-demand skills which is candidates who can perform under pressure and learn from their mistakes. As the business landscape continues to transform, companies are also experimenting with new systems and techniques.

“In an environment where you’re constantly experimenting, you have to be comfortable with failure and able to get back up again,” says Andrea McDonald, Director of u&u Recruitment Partners. Jobseekers who can handle change in the workplace will always be sought after by employers.

How to highlight this skill in your resume and interview:

McDonald recommends citing instances when stressors and challenges were present and how you efficiently dealt with them. It may be an experience with a difficult client or a major upheaval at work. Elaborate on the outcome and how you achieved it.

4. Analytical thinking

Are you canny enough to recognize patterns, interpret data, or observe behaviors? Can you analyze data to gain greater insights and optimize processes? Employers look for candidates who can evaluate information to improve their business.

“Analytical thinking has become a highly sought-after skill,” says Mike Dickson, Director NSW at Six Degrees Executive. “As every function seeks to operate more efficiently and to drive return on investment, the ability to analyze enables informed decision making.”

How to highlight this skill in your resume and interview:

Cite concrete examples of your analytical skills using the STAR method. Begin with the Situation (what was the scenario?), then explain the Task (what was your responsibility?), Activity (what were the key actions you did), and Result (what was the outcome?).

5. Empathy

Are you able to show respect, support, and kindness to your colleagues and customers? Digital transformation may be taking place in many industries, but the needs–and emotions–of the consumer will always be front and center in any company. Empathy is key to building strong relationships with clients and business partners. Moreover, this skill also helps create a happy and productive work environment.

How to highlight this skill in your resume and interview:

Demonstrate an encounter where you showed compassion and understanding to a client or a colleague, and describe the outcome. “Empathy is becoming more valued in the workplace. Candidates should stress that they always consider the customer’s perspective. They should also list “˜empathy’ as a skill in their resume and explain how it has helped them in their career.”, says Natalie Firth, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Think Talent. Including emotional intelligence in your profile will make your application stand out.

Now that you know what it takes to stand out in a sea of candidates and land that in-demand job, update your profile to reflect your proficiency in these important transferable and in demand skills. Find passion and purpose in the world of work by searching for #JobsThatMatter. For more practical tips and expert advice, visit out our Career Resources Hub.


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