Company Nurse
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- Top skills and experience for Company Nurses
- Company Nurse role reviews
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Company Nurse employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. First Aid
Basic Occupational Safety and Health Certificate
Workplace Health and Safety
Medical Records
Workplace Health
Life Support
Philippines Professional Regulation Commission Licence
Nursing Practice
Health Care Services
Health Assessments
Health Promotion
Communication Skills
Microsoft Office
Computer Literacy
Time Management
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Company Nurse reviews
5.0Jun 2023
As a Company Nurse one needs to possess the knowledge and skills to be able to maintain the health and safety of employees in the workplace
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Nursing
ExperienceLess than a year
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationCall Centre & Customer Service
The good thingsThe good things about nursing is that when one is passionate about his or her job, then he or she would feel fulfillment and satisfaction. Patients can be really challenging especially the sick ones. ...
The challengesIt can be challenging at times when the patient is aggressive and non-compliant but then one needs extra patience to handle them. And talking to them in a nice way would be such a big help.
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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