How to Write a Cover Letter That'll Get You Interviews (with Templates!)

How to Write a Cover Letter That'll Get You Interviews (with Templates!)
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 April, 2022

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a kickass cover letter that will guarantee you job interviews. Templates included.

In the process of applying for a job, every applicant must equip themselves with two important things: first, the resume, which will summarize all your skills and experiences and second, the cover letter"”or application letter"”which will give the recruiter an idea about you as an applicant. Both must be eye-catching and rise above the hundred other resumes and cover letters they receive each day.

Once you have your resume polished and ready to be sent out, you need to craft an equally perfect cover letter, which will highlight your strengths as well as let the company know why you're the perfect person for the job and why they should reach out to you for an interview. Cover letters are important because they break away from the stiff confines of the resume"”in your cover letter, you can really let your personality shine through.

Read on for tips before sitting down to write, and when you're ready, follow this step- by-step guide to come up with the perfect cover letter.

  1. It has to be easy to read, but attention-grabbing

If you're sending out your cover letter as a separate attachment (i.e., not part of the body of the email), it's a good idea to have its design consistent with your resume. Use the same fonts and elements, and make sure it doesn't look too crowded or else the hiring manager may not want to give it any attention beyond a quick once-over. And that's not what you want! You want them to be engaged and interested and be impressed by you as an applicant. If you're sending it in the actual email, choose a font that's readable, preferably something serif, like Times New Roman or Georgia"” the serifs make it easier on the eyes.

Tip: Be minimalistic in your design. Fill the page, but don't overcrowd it. You can use monochrome colors and highlight what needs to pop. When you're ready to attach it, always send it as a PDF rather than a word document. It's easier to open and all your formatting will be retained.

  1. It has to be concise

No recruiter wants to read a thousand-word essay on why you're the perfect person for the job. When writing your cover letter, be concise and brief. Make it 200 words, max. Don't go beyond that, because otherwise you might just lose the hiring manager's attention.

Tip: Write down everything you want to say first, then edit. If you're having second thoughts about a sentence, ask yourself if it's information that's really necessary, or if your letter will still be great even without it.

  1. It has to be customized to each position

Like your resume, you can't just send out generic cover letters copy-pasted to different emails to different companies. Each cover letter must be unique and personalized. For example, if the positions you're applying for are a sales assistant, a marketing assistant, and a social media assistant, you have to craft your cover letter accordingly. Highlight skills and experience that are better suited for a sales assistant in one cover letter, then other skills and experience for marketing, and so on and so forth.

Tip: Fresh grad without job experience? You can definitely talk about your experience in college, like a project you managed or an organization you headed. If you've got leadership positions, make sure to mention those!

How to Write a Cover Letter That'll Get You Interviews

Ready to write? Here's a sample template to get you started.

Introduce yourself with a greeting. "Good day" or "Greetings" work well. Say your name, the course you completed, and if you want, the school you came from. Mention where you saw the job posting"”is it on the company's Careers Page? Jobstreet?"”and throw in a little something to get them interested, like how you know that you'd be the perfect fit.

Good day!

I'm [your name], a recent graduate of [your course] from [your school]. I saw the posting for this position on the Careers page of your company website, and I knew instantly that I would be perfect for it"”and I hope you'll soon agree.

Talk a little bit about your background, related to the position you're applying for.

Theatre and the performing arts is one of my most ardent passions. It has been a constant presence since my childhood. I was also an active productions member of [various orgs you were part of] during my time in university. With that, I am highly interested in rendering my

services for [your company], by way of being of invaluable assistance in [a task that is expected in the position you're applying for].

Back it up with some skills. You can talk about your internships, if applicable, as well as volunteer experience. As mentioned earlier, you can talk about your leadership positions and projects you've managed, if any. Include your soft and hard skills, enriching this paragraph with keywords that pertain to the job opening. If they're looking for someone detail-oriented, mention that.

During my years in college, I've been able to work well under pressure and multitask efficiently, writing press releases, editing the yearbook, and designing posters. I have strong rapport with my orgmates and department heads. I am extremely detail-oriented and I am always eager to learn as well as contribute whatever task is necessary. That being said, you should definitely consider me because not only am I well-equipped for the job but also because my love for the matter at hand is something that will definitely translate into the way I approach my everyday work.

Make them want more. You can show off work you've done"”whether that's published writing, graphic design, an entity you've managed social media for, etc.

If all this sounds interesting and appealing to you to find out more, I've attached my resume and portfolio. You can also find more of my work on [a link to your portfolio, if applicable].

Thank them and hope for the best. Show your appreciation for the time they took to read your cover letter, and be positive and hopeful for a response.

Thank you, and I hope to hear back from you soon!

Warm regards, [Your name]

At the end of the day, what matters most is that your cover letter sounds like you and that you let your personality and the skills you have to offer shine through, but if you let these tips"”and this template"”guide you, you're sure to land interviews with the HR department of your dream company!

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About SEEK Asia and jobsdb are part of SEEK Asia, which is the leading online employment market place in Asia. SEEK Asia covers 7 countries namely Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

SEEK Asia is the extension of the Australian Securities Exchange listed company called SEEK. The company's purpose is to help improve people's lives through a better career. SEEK Asia's database consist of over 500,000 corporate hirers and over 24 million candidates.

For more information about this article, or to schedule an interview with Philippines, please call Paola Savillo, Marketing Supervisor, at 286-6222.

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