We all know what it's like to run on empty at work. Stay supercharged on the job with these tips!
We're humans, not machines, though there are days when you can certainly feel like one. Whether you work 9-to-5 or the night shift, at a desk or in the field, that slow, sleepy, sneaky energy slump is all too real. But, it's certainly not inevitable. Get"”and keep"”yourself in the zone throughout the day with a few lifestyle changes.
Fuel up before you go.
And we're not just talking about your car or your MRT card. A healthy breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and regulates your energy levels throughout the day, so get some protein and calcium in you before you head out. And it doesn't have to be a gourmet spread"”who even has the time? Spread some peanut butter on a banana, grab an egg sandwich, or munch on an apple and some nuts during your commute.
Get organized.
When you get to the office, take a moment to get rid of any clutter on your desk. And before you even get started on the day, prioritize your tasks and make a todo list. The less time you spend wondering and worrying, the more energy you'll have for what you actually need to do.
Quench your thirst.
When you're in a cold, air-conditioned office for hours, it's really easy to forget to drink water. Dehydration can make you feel irritable, tired, and unable to focus, so make sure that's not contributing to your fatigue. According to the Mayo Clinic, adult males should drink 11.5 cups of water a day, while adult females should drink 15.5 cups of water.
Stash some healthy snacks.
When you're hanging by a thread, the temptation of buying a pack of chips or a chocolate bar can be hard to resist, but you'll just be digging yourself into a deeper hole. Keep a bag of sunflower seeds, mixed nuts, or dried fruit handy. Store a few cups of yogurt in the pantry fridge. And if yours is a chocolate-loving soul, stick to dark chocolate.
Get on your feet.
If you can sneak in a workout, hats off to you. If you don't have the time, just get out of your chair and go up a flight or two of stairs, or even just around your office. Take a ten-minute walk outside and let sunny blue skies revitalize your weary self. If you're chained to your desk, do some stretches with a little desk yoga. The point is to get up and get moving.
Laugh out loud.
This is what the wonderful World Wide Web is for. Laughter reduces stress and increases energy levels, so give yourself a break and indulge in adorable puppy videos, hilarious excerpts from late-night talk shows, silly memes, and witty Twitter threads.
Take a breath.
It may sound deceptively simple and natural"”we've been doing it since we were born, after all"”but a lot of us forget to really breathe. Get more oxygen into your bloodstream with some deep breathing: sit up tall, put a hand to your belly button, and focus on expanding your stomach and chest with each slow inhale. Keep your breathing rhythmic and steady. Mindful breathing can reduce stress and make you feel centered, ready to face your next task.
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