7 signs that it's time to leave your job

7 signs that it's time to leave your job
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 April, 2022

Do you find yourself filled with so much dread whenever you step into the workplace? Here are some red flags to watch out for. 

1. You drag yourself to work EVERY SINGLE TIME

The most tedious part of your day is actually starting it. The sun doesn't shine when it's supposed to, and you have a hard time getting out of bed. You dread going to work because you find your work too toxic/don't want to see your boss/you haven't completed your projects yet/fill in the blanks. There is no motivation for anything at all.

2. You hate what you do

How can you do something you hate, much more excel in it? When you don't like what you are doing, you will not perform well. When you're making your boss look bad and your teammates cover for you most of the time, then it's time to look around.


3. Your job is making you physically sick

It starts as something psychosomatic, and then later translates to physical signs of stress. If your work has caused you to be sick "” be it physically or mentally "” then it's time to go. Hypertension, insomnia, and fatigue are some of the common effects of stress on the body. On a mental level, it often causes anxiety, irritability, and depression.


4. You hate your boss, and the feeling is probably mutual

According to Time Magazine, "The majority of people quit bosses, they don't quit jobs". It's never healthy to be around someone you always come into conflict with, more so if that person is your boss. It's one thing to have conflicts on a professional level, but it's different if your misunderstandings have become personal. If you have tried to resolve this conflict more than once and your relationship didn't improve, then it's time to leave.


5. You can't get along with your colleagues

You just don't fit in. Their culture is different from yours. What they find funny, you don't. Team projects are a burden. Your work practices are too different that you often find yourself flying solo. Whether you ostracize yourself or they ostracize you, unless you are the type who can survive being alone all the time, it's time to find a company who hires people like you.


6. Your company has become unstable

When there's a threat to the security of your job, evaluate yourself and your position. Does the company still need you? Is your performance good enough to secure your post? If you think not, then it's time to send out those job applications. Jump ship while it's still early.


7. You've outgrown the job and there's no opening for you to level up

Routinary and boring, that's how you see your work. Asked about the ins and outs of what you do and you know it by heart. You're itching to grow but there's no room for it. Whether you've been doing the same job for 10 years or 2 years, if you feel the need to level up and there's no opportunity at your workplace, then you have to find that opportunity somewhere else.


The level of stress you get from work may have reached your breaking point and you just have to say, "I quit." This is the part where you realize that sometimes, quitting can actually do you and your career wonders.

Image Source: Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash

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