6 tips for understanding different accents in customer service

6 tips for understanding different accents in customer service
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 April, 2022

We live in an era where the world gets a little smaller each day. We're no longer divided by cultural and geographical boundaries the way we used to be during the pre-internet days. The globalization of businesses not just enabled us to travel and live in different continents, but have made cross-country transactions an everyday thing. It's not unusual, for example, for customer service representatives to encounter queries from all over the globe thanks to the prevalence of outsourcing jobs. Hence it is crucial for those in this field to master understanding different accents.

While meeting and interacting with individuals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds is a great way to expand one's horizons, communication can present certain challenges if one does not speak in the same accent. This can lead to awkward encounters for customer service professionals facing customers with different accents. Unless you've spent time in that particular country or have friends from that part of the world, it can be quite awkward to understand someone with a strong Scottish accent (for example).

If you're one of those who find it difficult to understand customers with different accents, try the following tips next time:

1. Ask the other person to speak slowly

If you've already asked the other person to repeat themselves once but you still don't understand what they're saying, apologize, then ask them to speak slowly. Tell them you're sorry but you're not used to their foreign accent. Don't get annoyed or frustrated - this will create tension and add to the awkwardness of the situation.

2. Don't patronize

If it's obvious that the customer isn't proficient in English (or with your native language), don't be patronizing towards them. For one, it's unprofessional, and for another, it will create hostility and leave a negative impression on the customer.

The beauty of dealing with a diverse customer base is the wonderful opportunity it gives you to see things from different perspectives. Embrace it.

3 Practice empathy

Communication extends beyond one's verbal skills. If it's a face-to-face interaction, you have the option of non-verbal cues to get your message across and establish visual communication via your facial expressions and body language.

For call-based interactions, you'll have to pay close attention to the tone and energy of the other person's voice. What this calls for is empathy in your approach towards the situation. Don't forget that communication is a two-way street, which requires both parties to be on the same wavelength.


4. Get creative

Try varying your choice of words in your efforts to establish communication. Don't just repeat yourself over and over again, which doesn't help.

Try using a few simple words in the customer's native tongue if possible. This will help create a connection and demonstrate your sincerity in communicating with them.

5. Ask a senior colleague to step in

If none of your efforts are working and you're flat out of ideas, ask for help. Get one of your senior colleagues to step in, or even take over the case.

There's no shame in admitting that you need help. What matters is providing the required service in a timely and professional manner.

6. Travel more

This might sound overly simplistic, but the more you travel and meet people from different cultural backgrounds, the more exposure you will have to foreign accents. It's all about familiarity. When traveling, make it a point to meet the locals and soak up the cultural experience.

Communicating with customers who speak in a different accent can be a challenging task, but what's key is to bear in mind that language is just one aspect of communication. Non-verbal communication is just as powerful as the words we speak. Don't limit yourself to your words.


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