5 Signs You Are In A Job Mismatch And How To Shift

5 Signs You Are In A Job Mismatch And How To Shift
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 April, 2022

5 Signs You Are In A Job Mismatch And How To Shift

After surviving 2020 with your job intact, it is time for some self-evaluation. Has there been a feeling of discontent? Of being unfulfilled? You might be in a job mismatch. That is when you are doing work you should not be doing, for a pay that is not right for you, leaving several skills unused in the long haul.

In explaining House Bill 8210 addressing job-skill mismatch, Baguio City Representative Mark Go gave this jarring example, "Over 200,000 graduated in Business Administration and related courses, yet only 2.6 percent are employed in finance and insurance and 7.6 percent in administrative and support services."

You could be a fresh grad or someone working for several years but a job mismatch in educational background, current job market, and your own work experiences are problems you face. After checking if these signs apply, update your profile so you can shift to the job that's right for you.

Absence of Growth and Skill Development

Growth should be present vertically and horizontally. Horizontally, you are growing with the people you are working with. Relationships are generally healthy and work conflicts get resolved. Vertically, you see a clear progression from where you started and you are given room to grow. You also have various opportunities to upskill and train further. Promotions may not happen every year, but they happen. The key to growth is the presence of performance reviews. This happens once or twice a year and gives you direction and recalibration.

Abuse of Salary in the Available Labor Market

It started with an extra responsibility here, another new task there. Soon you find yourself taking on more than your actual job. Yet somehow, your salary has stayed the same. Each job level comes with corresponding expectations and compensation. If you are doing more than you agreed to when you started, you are not being compensated fairly. You could be doing the jobs of two or three people already. Sit down with your manager and fix the process. Another abuse is being underpaid for a job you are more than qualified for. Always find out what the current average pay is for the position you are employed for.

Underutilization of your Actual Experience or Education

Similar to the second sign, this is primarily the reason the lawmakers behind HB 8210 are pushing for its enactment. Graduates of certain degrees find themselves in jobs they are overqualified or underqualified for. This leaves the employed with an uncertain work future. If you find yourself in a job that doesn't maximize the degree you paid for and devoted x years of life to, it is time to move to one that will utilize maximally what you have learned.

Settling for Part-Time When You Can Be Doing Full-Time

There is nothing wrong with being a part-timer. But when you have a background in a highly technical field and you are employed part-time, you might be mismatched. Your work experiences are supposed to be enriching your know-how. But if you are not given the hours to do so, you are being short-changed.

Happiness, Fulfillment, and Satisfaction are Missing

This might seem intangible. But this is easy to spot. If you are constantly dreading the time you have to work or find yourself crying, and feel drained at the end of even a light day, you are in the wrong place. The goal is to find work that fulfills you, gives you a sense of purpose, and be something you and your family can talk about proudly.

To ensure you aren't falling into the job mismatch trap, always update your profile. By indicating your skills, current training, and other information about your work, you keep your file relevant. This helps you match with job opportunities that you are qualified for. Easily update your Jobstreet Profile here. The tag #WorkNow is always handy too if you are available for employment immediately. The fresh new look of Jobstreet makes searching for jobs easier. And check for industry updates and insights via Career Resources.


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