Package Consultant-SAP HANA Basis

Monitoring of system logs, troubleshooting background job maintenance, output device management, call ticket handling, transport, System Refresh -

Demonstrate strong technical skills on Basis and HANA -

Exposure on PI or JAVA application -


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Package Consultant?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a SAP HANA Consultant?

Company profile

Company Logo for E-Team Workforce Private Corporation
Human Resources & Recruitment51-100 employees

eTeam was formed in 1999 with the goal of becoming the supplier of choice for clients, employees and contingent workers. Today, we’re one of the fastest-growing companies in New Jersey and ranked as one of the best companies to work for by Staffing Industry Analysts and New Jersey Business. We’re also an honored member of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50.

eTeam provides high-volume staffing, SOW and pay rolling services to structured contingent workforce programs and projects across the U.S., Canada and India. We also offer contract-to-hire and direct placement. Our “No-Sell, Service-Only” approach has resulted in “Accelerated Hires,” lower costs, reduced risks and better service for Fortune 2000 Companies, Large System Integrators and Government Agencies.

eTeam Fact Sheet

- Incorporated in 1999 as a Minority Business Enterprise

- Security Cleared provider to classified projects for Government Agencies and system integrators

- Global Recruiting Model & Locations

- Disciplines include: general staffing, information technology, engineering, clinical, scientific and professional

- Preferred provider to companies utilizing MSP/VMS

- Provider of customized, strategic staffing and SOW solutions for enterprise-level projects

Our Mission: To be among the 10% of suppliers for structured contingent workforce and SOW programs

Our Motto: efficiency. synergy. expertise.

Our Promise: “No-Sell, Service-Only”

Our Mantra: “Accelerated Hires”

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