Workforce Supervisor

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Ensure Call Center Operations (CCO) support is maintained within service level agreements for all Accounts.
  • Create reports to meet requirement of Operations/ Management / other departments.
  • Determine long-term headcount & staffing requirements
  • Participate in strategic business planning
  • Leads and supervises the team in meeting the overall HR performance by controlling and complying to company established standards and local laws

Education and Experience:

  • Graduate  in any field 
  • 3- 6 yrs of managerial experience in workforce
  • Knowledge of Workforce Management Software, CMS, IEX / Blue pumpkin / Aspect .
  • Thorough knowledge of Ms Office

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Workforce Supervisor?

Company profile

Company Logo for VXI Global Solutions
Information & Communication TechnologyMore than 10,000 employees

At VXI, we pride ourselves in helping our client partners develop technologies and customer care services that enable them to manage their business and customer relations more efficiently. Headquartered in Los Angeles, we support all customer engagements in multiple languages in the United States, Philippines, Jamaica, Guatemala, China, and India.

Formerly Multi-Cultural Marketing, VXI was initially created as an integrated

customer contact center in 1998. We rapidly grew our vertical market expertise and language

capabilities, specializing in call center and BPO services, multilingual support, software

development, quality assurance testing, and infrastructure outsourcing. It didn’t take long for us

to join the ranks of the top 50 telemarketing companies in the United States. In 2001, we

rebranded to VXI Global Solutions, Inc. to better reflect the breadth and sophistication of services and solutions that we provide to our clients.

With over 45,000 people across 42 locations worldwide, VXI Global Solutions is one of the fastest growing, privately-held business services organizations in the United States. Today, our client partners rely on our complete range of customer management contact center and technology solutions to retain and grow their customer base while maintaining the highest level of quality band operational excellence.

Since 2003, our name has been synonymous to quality customer service, for which we have garnered prestigious awards in the Philippines through the years. In 2022, we were honored to be the recipient of the following accolades:

ICT Awards Philippines 2022: Best Employer of the Year Best Foreign-owned Company of the Year

Asia CEO Awards 2022:

Expatriate Executive of the Year – Grand Winner (COO Jared Morrison)

Circle of Excellence for:

Top Employer of the Year Service Excellence Company of the Year Wellness Company of the Year

In the social media sphere, VXI remains the undisputed BPO company with over 3 million likes on Facebook and almost a million followers on TikTok—enabling us to promote our life-changing career opportunities to as many Filipinos.

We invite you to join our industry-leading company today. Be limitless with VXI.

Perks and benefits
Fortnightly Payouts
Performance-based Incentive
HMO with Medical, Dental, and Psychiatric Benefits

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