Facilities Manager

Responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the sites to meet health and safety standards. 

Ensures all spends are well within budget on CAPEX and OPEX. And still maintain the standard.

Optimizes all expenses to gain the best value for money.

Respond appropriately to emergencies or urgent issues.

Ensure that all sites are compliant with the labor laws and regulations as well as the permits and licenses to be able to operate. 

Use performance management techniques to help our team members meet their goals. 

Ensure 100% uptime of all sites.


Bachelor's Degree or equivalent work experience. Business Administration or related field.

Licenses or certifications (Engineer) Preferred.

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Company profile


Information & Communication TechnologyMore than 10,000 employees

Expert Global Solutions, Inc. (EGS) is a world-class, comprehensive Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) entity in global management and outsourcing services. EGS has one of the most comprehensive, unique, and compelling BPO offerings in the marketplace. Our clients have the benefit of a fully scaled and global partner serving all aspects of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) industry.

Centralized and Scaled Global Partner

Expert Global Solutions is the holding company and manages both APAC and NCO brands in the market, addressing the needs of its customers as a fully scaled and global partner serving all aspects of the CRM and ARM customer lifecycle. EGS offers clients the unique complement of scale and a customized CRM and ARM service delivery platform.

A Firm with Strong Support

Expert Global Solutions is owned by One Equity Partners, the private investment arm of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Established in 2001 and managing $10 billion of investments and commitments for JPMorgan Chase & Co., One Equity Partners makes private investments behind compelling business ideas and strong management teams.

Complete Lifecycle Solution Support

Verticals | Cable, Telecom, Utilities, Retail, Government, Healthcare, Education, Financial, Technology, Insurance, Trans/Logistics, Pharmaceuticals, Travel & Hospitality, Commercial

Acquisition | Pre-Sales/Sales, Order Taking, Cross-Sale/Up-Sale, Lead Generation, Product Information, Sales Verifications, Reservations

Service/Support | Technical Support, Tier 1-4 Helpdesk, Customer Inquiries, Account Change/Updates, Billing Information, Loyalty Programs, Warranty Support, Internet Support,

Hardware/ Software Support

Resolution | First/Third Party Receivables, Financial Care, Pre/Post Charge-O, Early Fraud,

Credit Activation, Property Recovery, Skip Tracing, Attorney Services

Perks and benefits
Night Differential, Meal Allowance, Rice Allowance

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