Purchasing Supervisor

As a Purchasing Supervisor, you'll be responsible of the following:

  • Promote the company's brand and its franchising business to the market.
  • Implement procurement systems and tools to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
  • Source and negotiate with potential suppliers, assess their capabilities and evaluate their suitability based on predefined criteria.
  • Manage supplier relationships, including regular communication, performance evaluations and issue plans accordingly.
  • Collaborate with internal stakeholders to understand their requirements and develop procurement plans accordingly.
  • Analyze inventory levels, demand forecasts and consumption patterns to optimize stock levels and reduce carrying costs.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve procurement practices, including identifying cost-saving opportunities and process enhancements.
  • Prepare and present reports on procurement activities, performance metrics, and cost-savings to higher management.
  • Develop and maintain procurement and warehouse metrics to track performance, identify areas for improvement and report sourcing effectiveness.
  • Implement sustainable and socially responsible strategic sourcing practices, including supporting local suppliers and promoting ethical sourcing.
  • Stay updated on regulatory requirements and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to sourcing activities.
  • Oversee and coordinate warehouse activities, including receiving, storage, and distribution of goods. 
  • Collaborate with warehouse supervisor and staff to ensure efficient order fulfillment and accurate inventory control. 
  • Implement and monitor processes for effective warehouse operations and inventory management. 
  • Address and resolve any issues related to warehouse operations that impact procurement and supply chain efficiency.
  • Perform related task and responsibilities assigned by the management.

Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Purchasing Supervisor?
  • Do you have experience with inventory management?
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
  • How many years' experience do you have in supply chain management (SCM)?
  • Have you worked in a role where you were responsible for vendor management?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?

Company profile

Hospitality & Tourism51-100 employees

But First, Coffee is a rapidly growing start-up coffee shop brand in Metro Manila. The brand has both company owned and franchisee owned branches.

But First, Coffee aims to be a household go-to coffee beverage brand for the working sector in the next 3~5 years.

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What can I earn as a Purchasing Supervisor
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