Supply Chain Head- Mandaue City

The Supply Chain Division Head is responsible for overseeing and managing the company's overall supply chain and logistics strategy and operations to maximize the process efficiency and productivity. He/ She is to take an active and crucial role in developing and maintaining good relationships with vendors and distributors.


This position is accountable for the direction, organization, staffing, and continuous improvement of all supply chain processes and activities as categorized below, along with the demand and production planning necessary to support the store.





  1. Plan, develop, organize, direct, manage and evaluate the personnel, operations, and budget of the MFI supply chain.
  2. Develop the supply chain strategy for the organization.
  3. Identify and manage risk within the supply chain by addressing tactical and strategic supply chain issues.
  4. Understand and service the needs of internal customers.
  5. Maintains and develops positive business relationships with internal customer’s key personnel.
  6. Develop analytics, systems, and data management capabilities, including metrics and reports.
  7. Stay informed of advances in supply chain technology and approaches and apply them within the organization to improve supply chain processes.
  8. Establish key performance indicators, monitor ongoing performance, and improve performance in alignment with established goals.
  9. Develop and implement new systems, best practices, inventory control, and other optimizations to grow the business.



People Management

  1. In collaboration with Human Resources, direct the hiring of resources necessary to maintain and improve department operations.
  2. Train, supervise, mentor, and evaluate the performance of supply chain staff.
  3. Direct, coordinate, assign, monitor, and review the work of individuals engaged in supply chain-related duties.
  4. Collaborate with staff, other departments, senior management, and decision-makers to share information, problem solve and clarify management objectives.


Receiving, Inventory & Warehousing

  1. Oversee organization-wide management of warehouses and inventory at company-owned, vendor, and contract sites.
  2. Direct and manage compliance to incoming inspection protocols.
  3. Implement and adhere to transaction management best practices.
  4. Manage the reverse logistics, restocking and/or disposition of items returned from customers.


Order Picking & Logistics

  1. Direct and manage the operations and budget of the Shipping Department.
  2. Negotiate and manage contracts with common carriers to support required transportation requirements for material deliveries, inter warehouse transfers, and outbound customer shipments.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Head of Supply Chain?
  • How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

Company profile

Company Logo for Mandaue Foam Industries, Inc.
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics101-1,000 employees

Mandaue Foam Ind., Inc. is a fast growing domestic furniture company that manufactures and sells products that is right for your home beautification needs. It has several branches from Luzon, Visayas to Mindanao aiming to reach out customers and serve you better.


Mandaue Foam has rapidly grown over the past 40 years because of its commitment to provide its customers with quality and value for money products. Today, Mandaue Foam is one of the country's top 1000 corporations and has over 20 factories and showrooms nationwide. It's trademark products include its signature Flex Foam and Hotel Quality Gala Bed Mattress.

Soon after it started, Mandaue Foam sensed a need in the market for a more complete home store and it began to expand and diversify its product lines to include pillows, sofas, dining tables, bed frames, and other small home items. Today, Mandaue Foam continues to augment its product lines and innovate by offering customized furniture among others.

Mandaue Foam aims to provide very affordable and high quality foam and furniture products to the Filipino people.

Perks and benefits
Service Incentive Leaves; Annual Salary Adjustment

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