Sales Agent - Region 2

Binas Auto Supply Inc
Posted 14d ago
Job Description:
⦁ Assess customer preferences and needs effectively to recommend appropriate products and services.
⦁ Explain the features and benefits of each product.
⦁ Inform customers about special promotions and ongoing sales.
⦁ Negotiate fair and profitable transactions with customers.
⦁ Stay updated on competitor offers and sales tactics.
Job Qualifications:
⦁ Full-time
⦁ Flextime
⦁ Bachelor's Degree (Preferred)
⦁ Prior Sales experience (at least 1 year)
⦁ Ability to commute/relocate (Preferably currently residing in Region 2)
Supplemental Pay:
⦁ 13th month salary
⦁ Commission pay
⦁ Performance bonus

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