Accouting Manager

Posted 1d ago

Education & Experience: 

  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy or related course.
  • Certified Public Accountant (preferably, not required)
  • Master of Business Administration (preferably, not required)
  • Minimum of 5-7 years of progressive accounting experience.
  • At least 3 years in a supervisory or managerial role.


  • Proficient in various accounting software such as QuickBooks, SAP, BAAN, and CYMA.
  • Strong Analytical skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel
  • Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills.
  • High level of integrity and confidentiality.
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

Summary of Responsibilities:

Financial Management and Reporting

  • Management of payments, tax audits, quarterly VATs, Summary Alpha list of Withholding Tax (SAWT), and quarterly Alphabetical List of Payee (QAP), and Summary Listing of Sales and Purchases (SLSP).

System Management

  • Monitoring check vouchers by verifying accurate accounting entries in the system.
  • Manage accurate and complete reconciliation of monthly deposits and disbursements.

Willing to be assigned at 5F Alva Business Center, 259 C. Raymundo Ave

Maybunga, Pasig City

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Have you completed a professional qualification in accounting?
  • Which of the following accounting software are you experienced with?

Company profile

Real Estate & Property11-50 employees

Lamco International Trading Co., Inc. specializes in the commercialization of properties, focusing on optimizing value through expert property management and strong tenant partnerships. We offer comprehensive services including leasing, property development, and market analysis to ensure sustainable growth and profitability for both property owners and tenants.

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