Airline Agents | No Experience Needed

Airline Agents | No Experience Needed

WORK AVENUE AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, Inc., is a personnel and training development company with exceptional understanding of fulfilling the requirements of call center industry, committed to be the company of choice, known for its strength and superior delivery of innovative services, driven towards total customer satisfaction.

APPLY NOW! Easiest and fastest way to get HIRED!



At least HS Graduate/ Senior High School Grad(with diploma/Certificate)

Must have good English communication skills

Must possess basic web navigation skills

Willing to work on holidays, weekends, shifting schedules, and extended working hours


What to bring?

2 sets of resume

1 valid ID

Vaccination card


For an easy and fastest appointment, send us your "COMPLETE NAME / ADDRESS" at 09177090128 for more details and look for Ms. Eleanor

How do your skills match this job?

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

Company profile

Education & Training11-50 employees

Work Avenue and Business Solutions Inc. is a personnel and training development company with exceptional undertanding with fulfilling requirements of call center industry,commited to be the company of choice,known for its strength and superior delivery of innovative services,driven towards total customer satisfaction.Our corporate mission is to be the leading private training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines in terms of professional competence,excellent training programs,service quality,responsible corporate citizenry,and overall growth and stability.Our training programs and services are tailored to help candidates to maximize what they have,their skills and potentials, to afford the life they want.We take pride in working with highly competent professionals that make up our organization,our company is professionaly managed by seasoned team of experts with extensive background in the fast growing industry call centers. Our clients can be assured of pre-eminent quality recruitment services provider regardless of the urgency needs.

For all interested candidates,

Text us thru our number- 09173053385



Unit 3 Ground Floor, Ranulfo Bldg. 206 F. Ramos St. Cebu City. Nearest landmark is Cebu Institute of Medicine and right beside St.Mary's Dormitory(across 7/11)

Perks and benefits
Allowances, Night Differentials, Competitive Salar

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