Quality Assurance Tester

Empire Shared Services Phils. Inc
· Must be able to conduct a comprehensive and detailed review of game specifications and possess an in-depth understanding of game rules.
· Review test procedures, create test scripts, and review results.
· Conduct regular inspections and testing of new software including those currently undergoing development in accordance with test scripts.
· Tracks defects in gaming software and helps troubleshoot errors.
· Draft reports involving bugs and other issues concerning game development using Mantis and Jira.
Requirement :
· 3+ years of experience in Quality Assurance for video games, with a focus on slot machine games.
· Good working knowledge of programming languages.
· Possess practical skills in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.
· Knowledge of Quality Assurance reporting tools such as Jira and Mantis.
· Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a team environment.

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