Posted 6h ago

Job Responsibilities:

  • Develop new and improve existing products.
  • Create standards and specifications of products.
  • Creates laboratory prototypes and coordinates commercial batch trial and does trial evaluation reports.
  • Prepares documents prior to implementation / product launch.
  • Develops new improves existing bakery products.
  • Formulates, validates and test cakes & pastries recipes for standardization.
  • Performs initial trial runs for new products and prepare documents for product launching.
  • Creates new and improve existing cake designs.
  • Conducts market research on potential bakery products.



Job Qualifications:

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's/College Degree in BS Food Technology, BS Chemistry, BS Chemical Engineering or its equivalent
  • With at least 1-2 years of relevant working experience
  • Preferably with background or experience in bakery/food manufacturing
  • With excellent interpersonal and communication skills (both written and oral)
  • Willing to be assigned in Meycauayan, Bulacan

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Company profile

Hospitality & Tourism101-1,000 employees

Greetings from Big E Food Corporation!

Today, Big E Food Corporation is one of the leading wholesale baking companies in the Philippines and is evolving to be a significant player in the Philippine snack industry. Lemon Square products are now available throughout the country and have become part of the Filipino snack fare. The business’ success story is a fulfillment of a dream of a young couple who once thought of baking real goodness for ordinary people

Perks and benefits
Education support

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