Data Science Officer

Job Descriptions:

  • Collaborate with plant breeders and geneticists to apply analysis and modeling for genetics, genomics and
    phenotypic analysis and prediction.
  • Develop digital phenotyping model for plant breeding.
  • Streamline model deployment and monitoring in Snowflake Architecture.
  • Develop system to streamline data input and data consuption.


  • Master's in bioinformatics, Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, or related fields.
  • Ability to collaborate with breeding, R&D, and business teams for operational excellence.
  • Experience in Python, NLP, and vision AI/ML.
  • Experience in GWAS, genomic data analysis, and machine learning pipelines.
  • Familiarity with cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Snowflake).
  • Ready to work in Purwakarta
  • Willing to Traveling

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Science Officer?
  • Are you available to travel for this role when required?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

Company profile

Company Logo for East West Seed Indonesia
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing101-1,000 employees

East West Seed Indonesia (Ewindo) is the first integrated vegetable seed company in Indonesia which produces vegetable seeds through plant breeding. Head Office Ewindo located at Desa Benteng, Campaka, Purwakarta, West Java with core business is seed productions. Ewindo produce the high quality seeds with various variety and have many production areas such as : East Java, Banten, Lampung and many research areas such as : Wanayasa, Lembang, and Purwakarta. Market area is all teritory Indonesia and also support to East West group's market. With more than 800 employees, Ewindo achieved the best player in seed marketing.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance
Sports (e.g. Gym)
Sport facilities

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