Facility Engineer

1. Lead and perform maintenance for electromechanical equipment.

2. Ensures machines/equipment registration and calibration.

3. Coordinate to other team when they have mechanical concerns.

4. Supports ISO and PEZA Audit.

5. Building layout/As-Built update (AutoCAD/Autodesk); PEZA renewal of Building Permit, & Occupancy Permit.

6. Licensed Mechanical Engineer who is in-charge for construction & PM implementation for building mechanical system as required by PEZA.

7. Daily checking of air compressor, facilities (e.g., aircon unit filters, exhaust fans, etc.) and maintenance of records.

8. Supports maintenance of electrical facilities (e.g., lightings, CCTVs, computers, etc.) and fire safety facilities (e.g., Fire Detection Alarm System (FDAS), fire extinguishers, emergency lights, etc.) and its records.

9. Planning and coordinating facilities and maintenance schedules and activities. (e.g., Maintenance Calendars, etc.)

10. Assist in communicating to sub-contractors whenever there are requests for repair. Coordinating and overseeing contractors performing maintenance and activities. (e.g., Load Testing, etc.)

11. Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, building codes and health and safety standards.

12. Gathering and analyzing data, blueprints, and reports.

13. Determining facility and equipment specifications.

14. Analyzing project costs and preparing budgets.

15. Designing and overseeing the implementation of facility expansion, layout, various systems, and quality controls.

16. Evaluating operational systems and facility infrastructure to ascertain and improve operational efficiencies.

17. Other related tasks as per assigned.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Facility Engineer?
  • Which of the following CAD software do you have experience with?
  • How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

Company profile

Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics51-100 employees

“Impress, not just satisfy”

NPTEC responds to customers with reliable technologies.

1. Manufacture of precision small motors, drivers, controllers, and electronic components, etc.

2. Design, manufacture and sales of automated labor saving devices, machines and systems.

3. Export of above mentioned electrical and electronic devices, and import and sales of related products.

Perks and benefits
Perfect Attendance Benefit
Health Card
Free Parking
Free Uniform
Birthday Gift
Rice Allowance

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