Spa / Body Therapist

Ini Vie Hospitality
Posted 1d ago
Kualifikasi pekerjaan:
  • Mencari kandidat untuk bekerja pada:
    • Senin: Siang, Pagi
    • Selasa: Siang, Pagi
    • Rabu: Siang, Pagi
    • Kamis: Siang, Pagi
    • Jum'at: Siang, Pagi
    • Sabtu: Siang, Pagi
    • Minggu: Siang, Pagi
  • Diperlukan 1 tahun pengalaman kerja yang relevan untuk posisi ini
  • Pelamar harus memiliki KTP
  • Gaji yang diinginkan: Rp1,000,000 - Rp3,000,000 per bulan
  • Mulai segera tersedia

iNi ViE Hospitality sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Spa Therapist

Qualification :

  • Placement in Seascape Resort Uluwatu

  • Min 6 months trainee experience in same position 

  • Learn quickly and safety minded

  • Excellent Communication skills 

  • Strong analytical and problem solving attitude

  • Has positive attitude, passionate, professional with dynamic personality

  • Great Team Player

  • Join immediately

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Company profile

Ini Vie Hospitality

Hotel & Accommodation ServicesNot specified


iNi ViE Hospitality is hospitality management that is holding over 40 brands that specialize in full resort, beach club, villa complex, restaurant, spamanagement, concept consultation and architecture, and interior design scattered throughout the tourism areas in Bali. The vision is to become the most influential and trusted hospitality management in Indonesia by focusing on a high rate of guest satisfaction, return on investment, branding, and propertymaintenance. The company expands its product and services by offering services such as media company, weddings, inbound transportation, transportationrentals, tours, and activities arrangement in Bali.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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