Digital Content Specialist

Posted 19h ago


  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, Communications, or a related field.
  • Previous experience in a marketing role or internship is preferred.
  • Familiar in design tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Creative Suite) and content management systems
  • Creative and innovative thinker.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply



  • Developing captivating and relevant content for various kinds of marketing platforms, such as social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok etc.) , and print materials for Versus Barcade and Zion-1
  • Collaborate with the marketing and operations teams to align content with brand identity and promotional objectives
  • Capture high-quality photos and videos on-site to highlight menu offerings, events, and customer experiences.
  • Implement innovative campaigns that drive customer engagement, increase followers, and promote special events
  • Monitor and respond to customer inquiries, comments, and reviews across digital platforms
  • Assist in the management and expansion of the company's social media presence.
  • Efficiently manage and distribute posts across various social media platforms.
  • Conducting market research is essential for identifying trends, competitors, and potential areas for growth.
  • Ensure marketing calendars are kept up-to-date and provide support in coordinating promotional events.


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Digital Marketing Assistant?
  • Which of the following Adobe products are you experienced with?
  • How many years' experience do you have in market research?

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