Customer Service Specialist (Blended)

DigiPlus Interactive Corp. (formerly known as Leisure and Resorts World Corporation) is a publicly listed company (PSE: PLUS). With over 20 years of expertise under its belt, DigiPlus ushered its unbeatable dominance in the Philippine retail gaming market by forging an empire of world-class multi-gaming platforms strategically located through a robust distribution network in prime locations across the country.

Job Description:

  • Promptly responding to customer queries via Phone call, Live Chat and/or Email (If needed – we follow up via outbound)
  • Respecting client confidentiality at all times.
  • Keeping records of customer interactions. transactions. comments .and complaints with outmost confidentiality.
  • Maintaining a polite, helpful, and professional manner at all times.
  • Occasionally conduct Outbound calls to customers.
  • Process Emails.
  • Immediately escalating serious complaints or issues that you are not equipped to deal with.
  • Liaising with colleagues or managers to find the best solutions to customers’ issues.
  • Identifying common problems and escalating them to management, along with possible suggestions for improvement, wherever possible.
  • Obtaining and sharing customer feedback with colleagues and other departments so that products and services can be improved.
  • Familiarizing yourself with new products and services as they are introduced.
  • Attending workshops and meetings as required.
  • Aiding and supporting new customer service agents.
  • Improve and optimize customer value through maximizing customer conversion and retention opportunities utilizing company marketing initiatives and the ‘Sales through Service’ mentality
  • Perform any other duties as assigned and required.

Job Requirements:

  • Preferably 1yr Experience of being a Voice Customer Service Specialist.
  • Preferably 1yr Experience of being a Chat Customer Service Specialist.
  • Preferably 1yr Experience of being a Email Customer Service Specialist.
  • Experience in Gaming Account is a plus!
  • Fresh Graduates, Beginners and/or Shifters are Welcome and Encouraged to Apply.
  • 40 wpm (online typing speed test)
  • A good command of interpreting Written English and Local Tagalog Language.
  • Can naturally converse verbally using English and Local Tagalog Language.
  • Willing and Able to work on Shifting schedules.
  • Willing and Able to work on Holidays.
  • Able to work in an ONSITE / In-Office Setting Daily!
  • With high respect to confidentiality and integrity.
  • Computer Literate and familiar with basic office applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a customer service specialist?
  • Do you have customer service experience?
  • Have you worked in a call centre before?
  • What's your average typing speed?

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What can I earn as a Customer Service Specialist
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