Technical Engineer


  • Prepare and Conduct Power Point Product Presentations, Installation Demonstration, Product Estimates, On-site Inspections, Project Monitoring and Exhibit Booth Manning
  • Conduct Product Research and Development for New and Existing Products – Participate in the Company’s Research and Development related activities
  • Handle and Address Customer Related Complaints and Perform Field Inspections and Investigations for both Metro Manila and Provincial Customers and Clients
  • Conduct and Facilitate Tasks and Duties related, but not Ocular Inspections, Actual Estimates, Installation Supervision, and Project Management
  • Create and Revise Specific Product Shop Drawings through Computer Aided Design Programs such as, Auto CAD, MS Visio, and, or Google Sketch-up
  • Monitor and handle Testing and Product Standard Applications
  • Monitor and handle Product Patents Application and Status Monitoring
  • Support the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System (QMS)
  • Preparation of Necessary Documentations and Reports
  • Perform other related activities as may be assigned by the Technical Department Head


  • Bachelor's degree in engineering.
  • Proficiency in AutoCAD 2D and 3D shop drawings.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Willingness to travel.
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical abilities.
  • Proficiency in basic MS Office applications.
  • Ability to perform basic cost estimations.
  • Knowledge and experience using basic measuring tools (e.g., vernier caliper, micrometer, measuring tape).

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Technical Engineer?
  • Have you worked in a role which requires a sound understanding of ISO 9001?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Which of the following CAD software do you have experience with?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Technical Services Engineer?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?

Company profile

Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics101-1,000 employees

Atlanta Industries, Inc. was established in 1973. With an outstanding track record, it has become one of the Philippine's leading manufacturers of high-grade industrial pipes and fittings. It continues to develop and produce new, modern and innovative building construction materials through the latest and most advanced processing technology for both uPVC and HDPE pipes.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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