Central Kitchen Supervisor

Posted 1d ago


  •  Lulusan diploma atau S1 di bidang pariwisata atau perhotelan
  • Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun sebagai Supervisor di Central Kitchen
  • Memahami standar operasional dapur (food safety, hygiene, FIFO, HACCP, dll.).
  • Memiliki keterampilan dalam manajemen tim & leadership.
  • Mampu mengatur produksi makanan dalam jumlah besar dengan efisien.
  • Terampil dalam inventory control & cost management untuk menghindari pemborosan.
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik dan mampu berkoordinasi dengan berbagai departemen.
  • Bersedia bekerja dalam shift & di bawah tekanan sesuai kebutuhan operasional.


Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  • Mengawasi operasional dapur pusat (central kitchen) agar berjalan efisien dan sesuai standar perusahaan.
  • Memastikan produksi makanan sesuai dengan standar kualitas, kebersihan, dan keamanan pangan.
  • Mengatur jadwal kerja tim dapur serta memastikan kinerja karyawan sesuai target produksi.
  • Mengontrol penggunaan bahan baku agar efisien dan meminimalkan food waste.
  • Berkoordinasi dengan tim purchasing dan gudang untuk memastikan ketersediaan bahan baku.
  • Mengawasi kebersihan dan sanitasi dapur sesuai dengan standar kesehatan dan keamanan kerja.
  • Membuat laporan harian dan bulanan terkait produksi serta efisiensi operasional.
  • Melakukan pelatihan dan evaluasi kinerja karyawan di dapur pusat.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Central Kitchen Supervisor?
  • How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

Company profile

Company Logo for Seilera Berkah Kulina
Hospitality & Tourism11-50 employees

Seilera is an F&B brand established in 2019, currently operating 2 outlets in Bintaro and BSD. In addition to the restaurant, we also have retail and B2B business, where retail products are currently available in several modern markets. We specialized in Se’i, Indonesian smoked meat from Kupang, Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara.

Seilera has been featured in many publications such as Harian Kompas, Detikfood, Qraved, and several culinary TV programs.

In term of our people, we recruit and develop our people and empowering them to perform and think to strive excellence. We always emphasize our people to work with integrity, not just doing things right but doing the right thing.

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