Encoder - Sales Associate

Job Description: 

  • Sales encoding to POS (target 600 orders and above encoded daily. 1st week- minimum of 350 orders encoded daily)
  • Answer inquiries or concerns via chat if needed
  • Call customers to complete their delivery details, clarify about products they bought and to negotiate cancellations
  • Update sales monitoring
  • Review encoded orders by the end of the day to validate sales

Other Tasks as Assigned:

  • Assist in various administrative duties or tasks as required by the sales department.
  • Support team members in achieving collective sales goals and targets.
  • Participate in training sessions and team meetings to improve product knowledge, sales skills, and customer service techniques.



  • At least a high school graduate
  • Tech-savvy with strong computer skills, proficient in using Google Sheets and Excel
  • Must have access to personal work equipment (Laptop or Desktop)

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?

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What can I earn as a Sales Associate
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