Business Development Manager

As Business Development Manager, you are responsible for helping the organization obtain better brand recognition and financial growth through new business opportunities and solid customer relationships. This position is accountable for the front-to-end selling process to ensure the achievement of sales targets. You will also manage the sales and marketing arm of the organization

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a business development manager?
  • Do you have experience in a role which requires relationship management experience?

Company profile

Company Logo for Hamlin-Iturralde Corporation
Consulting Services51-100 employees

TeamAsia is an award-winning integrated marketing communication firm. Our biggest interest is taking brands to the next level experience of visibility. We do this by exploring innovation to its fullest potential through our five core services: integrated marketing, experience, creative, content and digital. In our 22 years in the industry, TeamAsia has been recognized by several organizations such as the Mobile Web Awards, the Philippine Quill Awards and the Web Awards for our excellence.

Perks and benefits

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What can I earn as a Business Development Manager
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