Remote Sensing

Indofood Group
Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta, Indonesia
Full time
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Posted 3d ago
Persyaratan Pekerjaan
  1. Bachelor's degree or higher in Forestry, Geography, Electrical Engineer, Geodesy Engineer, Environmental Science, or a related field
  2. Expertise in remote sensing technologies and methods, with at least 1 years of related work experience
  3. Proficiency in relevant software such as ENVI, ERDAS, Mission Planner, and QGIS
  4. Proven experience in designing, implementing, and monitoring remote sensing programs
  5. Strong analytical skills and ability to communicate complex technical information to both technical and non-technical stakeholders
  6. Excellent interpersonal skills, with a proven track record of working in a team environment
  7. Experience working in the oil palm or rubber plantation industries is a plus
  8. Willing to make business trips to site
  9. Proficiency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
Deskripsi Pekerjaan

As a Remote Sensing Officer, you will play a key role in managing remote sensing programs that support the company's sustainable practices. This is a full-time on-site role located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Your day-to-day tasks will include designing, implementing, and monitoring remote sensing programs, managing remote sensing data, and collaborating with other departments to incorporate remote sensing data into decision-making processes to support the company's sustainability goals. Also as Remote Sensing Officer, you have to manage UAV (Fixed Wing & Multi Rotor).

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FMCG ManufacturingMore than 10,000 employees

Kami menghimbau agar Anda berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan dengan selalu memastikan iklan lowongan tersebut sesuai dengan profil perusahaannya.

Waspadalah jika Anda menemukan hal-hal di bawah ini :

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Corporate) tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Corporate) tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan travel agent / biro perjalanan tertentu dalam proses rekrutmen.

Apabila Anda diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam bentuk pembayaran tiket pesawat dan hotel atau akomodasi lainnya agar diabaikan.

Apabila ada Panggilan wawancara di lokasi yang tidak sesuai dengan iklan yang tertera pada iklan lowongan.

Jangan memberikan data pribadi atau data keuangan Anda kepada siapapun.

Over a number of decades PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk has been progressively transformed to become a Total Food Solutions company with operations in all stages of food manufacturing from the production of raw materials and their processing through to consumer products in the market. Today, it is renowned as a well–established company & a leading player in each category of business in which it operates. In its business operations, Indofood capitalizes on its resilient business model with 4 complementary Strategic Business

Groups :

Consumer Branded Products (CBP). Indofood CBP is one of the leading packaged food producers in Indonesia, with a wide range of packaged food products. ICBP product brands are among the strongest brands with the most significant mind share in Indonesia for consumer food brands.

Bogasari, primarily a producer of wheat flour as well as pasta. Its business operations are supported by shipping and packaging units.

Agribusiness. The Group’s principal business activities range from research and development, seed breeding, oil palm cultivation and milling; as well as the production & marketing of branded cooking oils, margarine and shortening. In addition, the Group is also involved in the cultivation and processing of rubber and sugar cane as well as other crops.

Distribution, which boasts the most extensive distribution network in Indonesia, distributes the majority of Indofood’s and its subsidiaries’ consumer products as well as third–party products.

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