Company/Corporate Trainer

Training & Development

  • Design and conduct training programs to develop employees’ skills, knowledge, and performance.
  • Maintain training records, attendance, and evaluations for compliance and reporting.
  • Assess training needs through surveys, feedback, and collaboration with department heads.
  • Coordinate with external trainers, speakers, or institutions when necessary.
  • Prepare training materials, manuals, and other learning resources.

Onboarding & Orientation

  • Develop and manage the onboarding process to help new employees integrate smoothly into the company.
  • Conduct orientation sessions to introduce company policies, culture, and expectations.
  • Provide continuous support to new hires during their initial months.

Qualifications & Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Psychology, Education, or a related field.
  • Related experience in training, facilitation, or learning & development preferred.
  • Strong public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong organizational and project management skills.
  • Amenable to work in Barangay Caybiga, North Caloocan.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Corporate Trainer?

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