Shift Manager

Posted 22h ago

Job Description

We are seeking Hotel Shift Managers/Supervisors to be a part of our growing family. We are looking for dedicated individuals who are good at handling customers, and who can also bring out the best in their team members. The Shift Manager also makes sure that operations run smoothly during their shift and cleanliness, quality and service levels of the hotel are consistent and improving.


  • Positions open at My Inn, Calamba City, Laguna
  • Manages different departments (front-office, housekeeping, etc.) during a shift, including maintaining and improving cleanliness and service quality
  • Makes staffing decisions including scheduling or hiring
  • Handles guest concerns and manages inventory levels
  • Upholds company culture and employee morale
  • Other managerial and/or front office duties

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in any field
  • Previous supervisory or managerial role in a hotel, fast food, restaurant, retail or other service industries

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Shift Manager?

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What can I earn as a Shift Manager
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