MT/E-com Sales Admin

Nutra-finity Corporation

The MT/E-Commerce Sales Admin is responsible for managing sales operations for modern trade (MT) and e-commerce platforms. This role involves processing orders, coordinating with suppliers and logistics teams, maintaining online store listings, and ensuring accurate documentation of sales transactions. The MT/E-Commerce Sales Admin will also track sales performance, assist in promotional campaigns, and provide administrative support to the sales team. Strong attention to detail, organizational skills, and proficiency in e-commerce and sales management software are essential. This is a full-time position requiring on-site reporting to Nutra-finity Corporation’s Makati head office. 


Job Responsibilities:  

Administrative Support: Provide assistance to the sales and e-commerce teams, including data entry, order processing, and handling customer inquiries.   

E-Commerce Management: Ensure accurate product information, pricing, and inventory levels on the e-commerce platform.   

Logistics Coordination: Work closely with the logistics team to ensure timely and efficient product deliveries to customers.   

Sales Reporting & Analysis: Generate sales reports, analyze data, and identify trends and opportunities for improvement.   

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Work with different teams to implement new sales and marketing initiatives.   

Records & Documentation: Maintain detailed records of sales transactions, customer interactions, and e-commerce activities for accurate tracking and reporting. 


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Sales Administration Role?

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