Financial Advisor at Pru Life UK

Michael Oliver De Asis Insurance Services Inc.

✅ Any 4-year course degree 
✅ Fresh Graduates are Welcome
✅ Gen Z & Millennials 
✅ No Experience Needed 
✅ Preferably Reside in Metro Manila or Nearby Provinces

• Unlimited income potential
• Flexible working hours
• Monthly and quarterly cash incentives/bonuses
• Free local and international travels
• HMO & Savings program
• Top-of-the-line trainings

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Company profile

Pru Life UK

Insurance101-1,000 employees

A subsidiary of financial services giant Prudential plc, Pru Life UK started its operations in the Philippines in 1996. Established in 1848, Prudential plc has an extensive network of life insurance and mutual funds operations around the world, active in the United Kingdom (UK), Europe, the United States (US) and 12 markets in Asia. It has 24 million customers worldwide and manages £509 billion in assets as of 31 December 2015.

In the Philippines, Pru Life UK serves over 200,000 customers in more than 100 branches nationwide with a team of over 14,000 financial consultants offering an increasing portfolio of ordinary life, endowment*, personal accident and investment-linked or unit-linked life insurance products. Pru Life UK was recognized as the fastest growing Prudential company in Asia in 2010 by regional headquarters Prudential Corporation Asia (PCA).

*Existing endowment policies are being serviced. There are no new endowment policies offered at the moment.


Founded in 1848 in London, Prudential plc is the largest life insurance company in the United Kingdom and one of Britain's biggest institutional investors. In the United States, it owns Jackson National Life, one of the largest writers of individual life insurance and annuities there. It recently acquired Scottish Amicable, a leading provider of financial services to independent financial advisors in the UK.

Prudential plc's roots in Asia are long, and deep, with over 70 years of experience in the region. Its regional headquarters, Prudential Corporation Asia, is based in Hong Kong. Prudential plc now has life insurance operations in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. In the Philippines, Pru Life UK is the only British life insurance company in the market.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance
Flexible benefits

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