Sales Associate (Sampaloc)

Posted 23h ago

As a Sales Associate, you will primarily be responsible in promoting the loan products of the bank. You will take an active role in achieving the targets of your assigned area. You will establish and maintain good relations with the clients.

  • Bachelor's degree graduate
  • Experience in loans and collection is an advantage
  • Driving skills is a must (motorcycle), with driver's license
  • Excellent marketing and interpersonal skills
  • Good oral and written communication skills with proficiency in the local dialect
  • Willing to travel extensively and highly familiar with the area of operations
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a sales associate?
  • Do you have a valid Philippine driver's licence?

Company profile

Company Logo for City Savings Bank
Banking & Financial Services1,001-5,000 employees

City Savings Bank is a subsidiary of Union Bank of the Philippines and a member of the Aboitiz Group. It has one of the best operating efficiencies, lowest non-performing loans and highest capitalization levels in the thrift banking industry. The company recognizes that its greatest assets are its people.

Perks and benefits
HMO coverage that includes dependent/s
Rice, Medical, and Optical Allowances
Guaranteed Bonuses plus Performance Bonuses
Guaranteed Bonuses plus Performance Bonuses
Learning and Development Opportunities

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What can I earn as a Sales Associate
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