Media & Consumer Rights Lawyer

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Posted 20h ago

Job description


The Media & Consumer Rights Lawyer is the legal counsel of the Consumer Protection and Media Roster of the Regulatory Department, and will handle consumer protection, media, product and service, and intellectual property legal issues and other related matters. Responsible for establishing relationships with the Department Trade and Industry, Intellectual Property Office, ASC, and other media companies.

The Media & Consumer Rights Lawyer will also be responsible for monitoring all external media and sales promotions for compliance, and overseeing of DTI and IPOPHL filings, compliances, cases, and complaints.

Other responsibilities include review of regulatory policies, acting as a support to the other regulatory functions, and contract review and negotiation for media and intellectual property matters. Must also be flexible to handle related duties and responsibilities not indicated above.

Job Skills & Qualifications

  • Must be a member of the Philippine Bar
  • Has at least 3 years' worth of experience working as a lawyer for consumer protection, intellectual property, or TMT
  • Has an experience in technology transfer, licensing, and contracts.
  • Can understand technology related products, services, and contracts.
  • Knowledgeable on marketing, content creation, social media, e-commerce, and commercial practices

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a lawyer?
  • How much notice are you required to give your current employer?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment medical check?

Company profile

Company Logo for Dito Telecommunity Corporation
Telecommunications & Internet Service Providers101-1,000 employees

Dito Telecommunity Corporation (formerly known as Mindanao Islamic Telephone Company, Inc., or Mislatel) is the newest major telecommunications provider in the Philippines. It is a Joint Venture Company comprised of Udenna Corporation, Chelsea Logistics Holdings Corp., and China Telecommunications Corporation.

We are committed to providing Filipinos superior products and services of world-class quality, enabling customers to be connected, anytime, anywhere, any way they prefer

Perks and benefits
Competitive salary and benefit package

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