Design Engineer Team Leader

Duties and Responsibilities:

Major Tasks:

  • Inspect project sites for engineering-related concerns (site layout design, product architecture).
  • Recommend designs & drawings to the Engineering Manager for approval, ensuring compliance with engineering standards and customer requirements.
  • Assist in identifying potential design upgrades based on emerging technologies.
  • Implement new standard designs from R&D.
  • Inspect ongoing production projects for design compliance.
  • Ensure strict adherence to company rules, procedures, and policies.
  • Recommend process improvements as needed.
  • Promote a positive, efficient, and productive work environment.
  • Ensure consistent and appropriate coordination and communication.
  • Regularly evaluate workforce performance to meet objectives.
  • Supervise direct reports and address departmental concerns promptly.
  • Seek continuous improvement in personal and team productivity through skill upgrades, coaching, and counseling.
  • Participate in planning and assist in preparing the department’s annual budget.

Minor Tasks:

  • Prepare designs and drawings for customer approval and production.
  • Attend technical meetings with clients as needed.
  • Participate in advanced engineering seminars and training programs.


  • Licensed Electrical Engineer with at least 2 years of relevant technical experience.
  • Skilled in using precision instruments and following proper test procedures.
  • High attention to detail.
  • Computer literate.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a design engineer?

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What can I earn as a Design Engineer
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