Foreman for Electrical and Communications

Ateneo de Manila University
Posted 1d ago

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Team Lead Functions
  • Organizes work of maintenance personnel by scheduling and assigning work
  • Semi-annually conducts inventories of assigned tools and equipment (i.e. Automatic Transfer Switch, Main Breakers, Magnetic contactors, wiring, lighting, and other electrical accessories connected to 220V and 380V).
  • Ensures the maintenance, order, and upkeep of workstation and work tools, and when needed, requests for tool repairs
  • Electrical Services
  • Inspects circuit breakers, and other electrical components to determine issues and identifies appropriate action
  • Implements general electrical maintenance and circuit breaker corrective maintenance
  • Repairs electrical equipment as indicated in the job request
  • Services electrical control, wiring, lighting systems, and fixtures
  • Cleans workstation and tools, and when needed repairs tools, and uses tools as intended and according to standards
  • Telecommunication Services
  • Oversees repairs regarding telecommunication and implements maintenance activities on all PABX systems of the University
  • Determines how lines are connected and sets up most efficient connection


  • Telecommunications: Knowledge of transmission, broadcasting, switching, control, and operation of telecommunications systems (required for maintenance of telecommunication system)
  • Building and Construction: Knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses, buildings, or other structures such as highways and roads (required for determining how lines are set up for themaintenance and repair of electrical and telecommunication systems)
  • Mechanical: Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance (required for use of electrical equipment)

Education and Experience Requirements

  • Registered Master Electrician
  • TESDA certification relevant to home and building electrical servicing
  • At least 3 years of work experience handling 400 volts and secondary transformer
  • At least 5 years work experience in handling low voltage gear switch and telecommunication works

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