Procurement Specialist

Biocostech Philippines Corporation
  • Manage the end-to-end procurement process from strategic sourcing of the right suppliers, negotiating terms, managing contracts, and assessing supplier performance.
  • Work closely with internal teams, such as marketing and logistics, to understand the company’s evolving operational and strategic needs, and provide the necessary procurement support.
  • Foster strong relationships and maintain open communication with stakeholders to build a reliable pool of key suppliers.
  •  Negotiate contracts and agreements with suppliers to ensure smooth partnership, minimize conflicts, and secure the best possible terms and conditions for both ends. 
  • Ensuring supplier compliance with company policies, service-level agreements, proper procedures, and regulatory requirements.
  •  Monitor and manage supplier performance to ensure that each supplier delivers products or services by the agreement and in line with the company's standards.
  • Conducts market research and reviews procurement data, which includes budget monitoring, to identify new opportunities, discover potential suppliers, streamline processes, and suggest cost-saving strategies.
  • Ad hoc tasks assigned by the Manager.
  • Perform other services for Biocostech Philippines Corporation's affiliates, and subsidiaries.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a procurement specialist?
  • How many years' experience do you have in market research?

Company profile

Biocostech Philippines Corporation

Wholesale Businesses51-100 employees

BIOCOSTECH PHILIPPINES CORPORATION is a trading company and the exclusive distributor of the products from iWhite Korea, a Korean skincare line that is infused with a mix of natural ingredients and tried and tested well known ingredients that are harmoniously blended together to deliver quality skincare to everyone and Sensedol, the first and only food supplement for the gums in the Philippines and is prescribed by dentists nationwide.

Our Vision

To make the beauty of life accessible to everyone, every time, everywhere.

Our Mission

To deliver the elements of beautiful experiences in every touchpoints of life

Our Brand

Iwhite Korea

iWhite Korea got its start as one of the first Korean skincare brands in the Philippines. With all the hustle and bustle of skincare, we hope to rekindle your experience of receiving, opening, and trying out your first Korean skincare. iWhite Korea believes that skincare is Self-Care and Self-Care is as easy as 1, 2, 3


We are Sensedol, the first and only food supplement that is focused on gum care, for the treatment and prevention of gum diseases in the Philippines and is prescribed by dentists nationwide.

Perks and benefits
HMO, Allowances

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