Posted 1d ago

Company Description

A well established Pre-School at Citraland, Surabaya has vacancy for the following position:




  • Graduated from Reputable University min S1 degree (English, education or psychology degree)
  • Fluent in English ( both oral and written )
  • Good personality, patient, energetic, willing to learn, team player, max 35 year old
  • Experienced in related field and able to play musical instrument will be advantaged
  • Experience in teaching min 2 years for teachers
  • Experienced at preschool will be advantaged
  • Able to play /keyboard will be advantaged


Job description for teacher: 

  • Deliver daily lessons in the class based on lesson plans that has been submitted.
  • Acquire new teaching materials and keep up to date with subjects taught.
  • Provide suggestions and ideas on effective implementation and modification of the curriculum.
  • Provide written evaluation report on students' progress based on proper criteria to the Principal.
  • Meet parents during end of terms and at any other time to discuss students' progress and conduct.
  • Participate in all school activities as requested by the Principal or Head of Department.


Please submit your application letter, photo, resume and certificate to SEEK or drop your CV at Apple Tree Preschool. Jalan Raya Bukit Telaga Golf Ta4/8a, Citraland, Surabaya.


Apple Tree Pre-School was established in year 2000 and we are affiliated with Bina Bangsa School which enables children to have direct entry once they have completed their preschools. We have adopted Singaporean Curriculum for our pre school programs. Through great demands, hard work and dedication of the participating members of Apple Tree, the program's popularity made it necessary to expand to greater areas. As a result, Apple Tree is excited with the opportunity to offer its programs to children across Indonesia, starting in Jakarta. 

Apple Tree believes that the early years of a child's life (birth - age 8) are the time when children are building a knowledge base they will draw from throughout their lives. It is during this time that the brain is developing most rapidly, making early experiences critical to every child's social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. This is part of the reason why we are using English as our primary language and teaching Mandarin everyday, because children are capable to learn more than three languages at the same time. 

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Teachers Aide?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

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