Production Planner

The Production Control Staff or Production Planner is responsible in the following:

  • Developing and monitoring production schedules.
  • Determining equipment requirements.
  • Monitoring material supplies.
  • Organizing project paperwork.
  • Troubleshooting production issues.
  • Preparing performance reports.


  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Industrial) or equivalent.
  • At least 1 Year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Proficient in general computer operation
  • High level of integrity and confidentiality
  • Knowledgeable in motivating different personality within the department.
  • Orientation: Detailed, Flexible, Pro-Active, a Team Player, with Good Sense of Urgency & Commitment to get the job done ahead of time and Customer Service
  • Skills: Good Organizational, Planning, Interpersonal, Analytical and Communication skills both oral and written and Excellent Mathematical Computation
  • Ability to focus on multiple projects
  • Can Work under minimal Supervision
  • Willing to work Monday - Saturday at Valenzuela City
  • Salary commensurate of experience
  • Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?

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What can I earn as a Production Planner
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