Front Desk Associate

  1. Perform all check-in and check-out tasks.
  2. Ensures cleanliness in the front desk area and lobby.
  3. Accommodates inquiries, guest request and other concerns in a professional and courteous manner.
  4. Administer all reservations, cancellations and no-shows in-line with the company policy.
  5. Attends to guest complains and concerns.
  6. Accepting of payments.
  7. Accomplish sales report.
  8. Ensures privacy and confidentiality of guest.
  9. Welcome guests upon their arrival and assign rooms.
  10. Provide information about our hotel, available rooms, rates and amenities.
  11. Liaise with Housekeeping Staff to ensure all rooms and public areas are clean, tidy and fully-furnished to accommodate guests’ needs.
  12. Confirm group reservations and arrange personalized services for VIP customers and event attendees, like wedding guests.
  13. Upsell additional facilities and services, when appropriate.
  14. Maintain updated records of bookings and payments.
  15. Carry-out instructions from the immediate supervisor and/or from the head office.
  16. Performs other job related duties as assigned

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Front Desk Assistant?
  • Do you have customer service experience?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?

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