Restaurant & Banquet Supervisor

Posted 1d ago

1. Pendidikan & Pengalaman

✅ Minimal Diploma atau Sarjana di bidang Perhotelan, Pariwisata, Manajemen Restoran, atau bidang terkait.
✅ Pengalaman kerja minimal 2-3 tahun di posisi supervisor dalam industri makanan & minuman (F&B) atau banquet.

2. Keterampilan & Kompetensi

Manajemen Operasional – Mengelola layanan restoran dan banquet, termasuk penjadwalan staf, pengawasan persiapan makanan & minuman, serta memastikan pelayanan optimal.
Leadership & Team Management – Memimpin tim, memberikan pelatihan, serta memastikan staf bekerja dengan profesional.
Pelayanan Pelanggan (Customer Service) – Mampu menangani tamu dengan ramah, cepat, dan profesional, serta menyelesaikan keluhan dengan baik.
Manajemen Waktu & Organisasi – Mengatur dan mengoordinasikan berbagai acara secara efisien, termasuk pernikahan, seminar, atau pesta perusahaan.
Pengetahuan F&B – Memahami standar penyajian makanan dan minuman, keamanan pangan, serta teknik pelayanan yang baik.
Komunikasi yang Baik – Mampu berkomunikasi dengan tim, pelanggan, dan manajemen secara efektif.
Kemampuan Multitasking & Problem-Solving – Menangani berbagai tantangan di restoran dan banquet secara cepat dan efisien.
Penguasaan Software – Familiar dengan sistem POS (Point of Sale), software reservasi, dan aplikasi manajemen restoran.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Banquet Supervisor?

Company profile

Company Logo for Adimitra Land
Real Estate & Property101-1,000 employees

PT Adimitra Sukses. (“ADIMITRA LAND”) is a real estate construction and development company. We strive to develop residential and commercial areas in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Over the years, Adimitra Land has created a reputation as one of the leading property players in Indonesia.

Adimitra Land develops residential which intergrate commercial developments with a wide and complete range of amenities for the residents of the townships.

Adimitra Land is known for its ability, dependability, and expertise to execute and deliver property development projects around the greater Jakarta area.

Adimitra Land business units are now grouped into three distinct activities :

· Property Development

· Property Investment and Management

· Leisure, Hospitality and others


· To be the leading property developers in Indonesia that continuously delivers optimal economic value to its customers.


· Developing valuable products for the consumers and encourage entrepreneurship.

Adimitra Land Values

· Commitment

· Fast, Efficient & Effective

· Family Values & Balanced Life

· Integrity

· Team Work

· Improvement

· Service Excellence

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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