Superintendent Permit Licensing

PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk
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Posted 4d ago

Superintendent Permit Licensing

Job Requirement

• Pendidikan min. S1 Hukum
• Pengalaman min. 10 Tahun di bidang yang sama
• Mampu mengkaji peraturan terkait perizinan pertambangan dan industri terkait
• Memiliki pengetahuan dalam mengkaji langkah pengurusan perizinan berdasarkan peraturan
• Mampu membuat SOP
• Penempatan HO - Jakarta

"Pihak dan Perusahaan tidak akan meminta biaya dalam bentuk apapun pada saat melakukan proses recruitment. Mohon segera melaporkan kepada kami, apabila Anda jika pada saat diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

" and the Company will not ask for any form of payment during the recruitment process. Please report to us immediately, if you are invited for an interview and asked to make a payment with a sum of money."

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Company profile

Cita Mineral Investindo

Mining, Minerals & Metals101-1,000 employees

Harita Group is an Indonesian business conglomerate owned and controlled by the Lim Family.

The Groups's core businesses are in natural resources sector such as: Palm Oil Plantations, Nickel Mining and Smelters, Bauxite Mining and Alumina Refinery, which operates throughout Indonesia. Our Business is expanding rapidly and we are looking for dynamic and competent talent with excellent track record to become part of our team and support progress from "Good to Great".

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance
Tunjangan Hari Raya

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