Engineering Technician AC

Posted 1d ago



  • Usia Maximal 27 Tahun 
  • Lulus minimal Sekolah Menengah Atas Teknik (STM/SMK) jurusan  Listrik, Pendinginan  
  • Pengalaman minimal: 1 tahun di posisi yang sama di technician Gedung , Mall dll 
  • Menguasai  dalam sistem kelistrikan AC 
  • Menguasai dalam Sistem HVAC (Chiller, Cooling Tower, AHU, FCU, Sistem Split, Sistem Ducting & Aksesori)
  • Bersedia lokasi bekerja di Gedung Mall Taman Anggrek   Jakarta Barat


  • Pekerjaan Plant, Seperti PM chiller, PM Cooling Tower & PM pompa-pompa
  • Pekerjaan distribusi, seperti PM AHU & PM FCU
  • Pekerjaan ventilasi, seperti PM fan exhaust, PM fan fresh air, PM smoke extact dan PM fan stair case
  • Pekerjaan tenant  fit out dan menangani tenant komplain


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • How many years' experience do you have as an Engineering Technician?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as an Air Conditioning Technician?

Company profile

Company Logo for PT Mulia Cemerlang Dian Persada
Real Estate & PropertyMore than 10,000 employees

As Indonesia's leading commercial property developer, Mulia Group is renowned for its cutting edge design, efficient space planning and operational excellence. From architectural design through to construction, marketing and property management, our team of local and international specialists creates hassle-free, turnkey office environments that enable you to focus exclusively on your business. Our prestigious office towers - home to multinational companies and prominent government and financial organizations- include award-winning landmarks such as Wisma Mulia and Wisma GKBI, as well as Taman Anggrek Mall & Condominium, Indonesia's largest and most advanced retail and residential complex.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance

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