• Prospecting & Lead Generation: Identify and research potential clients to generate leads and build a strong sales pipeline.
  • Client Meetings: Schedule and conduct meetings with prospective clients, demonstrating products and services effectively.
  • Sales Presentations: Prepare and deliver compelling presentations to customers, outlining product benefits and solutions tailored to their needs.
  • Negotiation & Closing: Negotiate prices, terms, and conditions with clients, aiming to close sales and achieve targets.
  • Sales Reporting: Maintain accurate records of sales activities, customer interactions, and sales forecasts through CRM systems.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with clients, ensuring customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Market Research: Keep up-to-date with industry trends, competitor products, and market conditions to stay ahead in the market.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with other departments (e.g., marketing, customer service) to ensure a seamless customer experience and meet client needs.
  • Target Achievement: Consistently meet or exceed sales quotas and targets.

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