Home Tutoring - Bali

Star Kidz Bimbel & Private
Badung, Bali, Indonesia
Full time
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Posted 7d ago

Home Tutoring - Bali

Job Requirement

• Age max 40 years old
• Strong command and of written and spoken English (Fluent in English)
• Excellent understanding of phoneme system and able to teach reading using Phonics system
• Min of 2 years working experience in a National Plus Preschool or International Preschool
• Passionate about teaching and love to work with children
• Excellent teaching skill
• Min S1 Degree (prefer S1 - PAUD (Early Childhood) / Psychologist / English)
• Pleasant personality and appearance
• Good communication skill with positive attitude and good sense of humor
• Having an educator certificate
• Fresh Graduates are welcomed to apply as Teacher
• Familiar with Cambridge, IB, Pearson & Singapore Curriculum
• Can teach Maths Singapore using the Bar Models
• Can teach all Subject (min. Maths, English, Science, Bahasa) for Elementary / Primary Level
• Can teach Maths, Physics, Chemistry for High School Class
• Domiciled in Bali area

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