Supervisor Logistics (Gambiran- Banyuwangi)

Tugas & Tanggung Jawab:

  • Merencanakan dan monitor inventory level termasuk stock dan stock buffer yang tersedia di Warehouse
  • Monitor dan kontrol kegiatan Inbound & Outbound
  • Koordinasi dan monitor SOP yang terkait dengan penerimaan, penyusunan barang, pengiriman, loading & unloading of Goods
  • Menjalankan rutinitas Stok Opname memastikan jumlah dan kondisi stock di Warehouse
  • Rutin menginformasikan stock near ED, overstock dan understock ke tim sales.


  • Pendidikan min S1 Semua Jurusan
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Supervisor Logistic/ Supervisor Warehouse di perusahaan distribusi FMCG min 2 tahun. 
  • Memiliki pengetahuan tentang prinsip dan metode untuk pergudangan dan distribusi produk
  • Menguasai SAP
  • Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) dengan baik
  • Dapat bekerja dengan cepat dan teliti
  • Penempatan Di Gambiran- Banyuwangi

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
  • Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
  • Produk Microsoft Office apa saja di bawah ini yang bisa kamu gunakan?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Distribution Team Leader?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Distribution Staff?

Company profile

Company Logo for Sukanda Djaya
FMCG Manufacturing1,001-5,000 employees

PT. Diamond Cold Storage (Diamond) is an established Indonesian manufacturing company focused on dairy-based and frozen food products. We are a privately held company with product penetration across the food service, general trade and modern retail segments

PT. Diamond Cold Storage (Diamond) was founded in January ’74 as a PMA (foreign direct investment company) by three partners. Mr. W.T. Chen was the local partner, with Cold Storage Company Ltd. of Singapore and Amatil Australia (now Amatil Coca Cola) as the foreign partners.

At the time, Indonesia’s ice cream market was in its infancy. Consumption of ice cream was extremely low and refrigerated distribution was next to non-existent. After five years, Mr. W.T. Chen took over, and Diamond’s fortunes began to change

Under Mr. W.T. Chen’s leadership, Diamond created our own refrigerated distribution network. This move enabled us to widely expand and channel our ice cream products into new retail markets, followed by expansion into the food service and general trade segments.By the 1990s, Diamond was confident enough to begin exporting

Our product range includes Milk (UHT & Pasteurized), Juice, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Soft Ice Cream, Chocolate, Mayonnaise & Salad Dressing, Cheese, and custom products as per client request.

Diamond’s high standards of quality control and food safety have positioned us as a leading dairy and frozen food supplier, including to international franchises within Indonesia such as Dairy Queen, Wendy’s, KFC, McDonald’s and more. Our R&D, manufacturing capacity, and track record also lend themselves to toll manufacturing

Today, Diamond products are available in modern and traditional channels all over Indonesia. Supported by the nation’s most extensive storage distribution chain, our products are present on the tables of five-star hotels, bakeries, hypermarts, cafes, wholesalers, retailers, and traditional markets.

In order to stay on the leading edge of the market, we continuously invest in R&D, our facilities and people. Initiatives include periodic training and refresher training, implementation of company-wide Oracle-based SAP systems, and fleet and factory maintenance

Driven by a commitment to high quality and ongoing innovation, our product portfolio and market range is continuously evolving, creating exciting new products while maintaining existing brands. We are now actively targeting the export market including that of Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Papua New Guinea.

Perks and benefits
Transport allowance

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