Urgently hiring

Area Manager

Posted 3d ago

Job Description:

  • Maintaining and ensuring all basic store operation are running well.
  • Offer consultation and recommendations to store leader on overcoming operations challenges.
  • Visit stores to evaluate operations, cleanliness and efficiency of each area.
  • Monitor sales and work toward meeting monthly objectives.
  • Maximizing sales and profitability across the stores in the area.
  • Respond accordingly to effectively handle complaints and offer good solutions to maintain customer satisfaction.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Management, or related field.
  • Minimum 3 years of Experience as a Store Manager or Area Manager preferably from Food & Beverage industries.
  • Proficient in using Ms. Excel on reporting purpose.
  • Good in communication, negotiation and presentation skill
  • Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Able to analytic and problem solving skills, with the ability to use data to make informed decisions.

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
  • Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
  • Berapa tahun pengalaman kerjamu sebagai area manager?
  • Apakah kamu berpengalaman dalam penjualan?
  • Produk Microsoft Office apa saja di bawah ini yang bisa kamu gunakan?
  • Apakah kamu berpengalaman di bidang pelayanan pelanggan?
  • Berapa lama waktu yang kamu butuhkan untuk memberi tahu perusahaanmu saat ini?
  • Apakah kamu bersedia bepergian untuk pekerjaan ini saat dibutuhkan?

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What can I earn as an Area Manager
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